The following are examples of the some of the most compatible and least compatible aura colors in relationships. With enough love and commitment, of course, any colors can create a happy relationship. Some of colors may just experience more challenges with each other than others. That is why it’s important to understand the priorities and needs of each color. It gives couples a better chance to create harmony in their relationship.
Find your colors and discover the colors that are your most compatible.
Most Harmonious Love Color Combinations
Reds: with Greens and Violets
Oranges: with Oranges and Greens
Magentas: with Yellows
Yellows: with Magentas, Yellows, Sensitive Tans, Abstract Tans, and Blues
Logical Tans: with Logical Tans, Sensitive Tans, Environmental Tans, and Abstract Tans
Sensitive Tans: with Yellows, Logical Tans, Sensitive Tans, Abstract Tans, and Blues
Environmental Tans: with Logical Tans, Environmental Tans, and Greens
Abstract Tans: Yellows, Logical Tans, Sensitive Tans, and Abstract Tans
Greens: with Reds, Oranges, Environmental Tans, Greens, and Violets
Blues: with Yellows, Sensitive Tans, Blues, Violets, Indigos, and Crystals
Violets: with Reds, Greens, Blues, Violets, Indigos, and Lavenders
Indigos: with Blues, Violets, Indigos, and Crystals
Lavenders: with Violets
Crystals: with Blues and Indigos
Moderately Compatible Love Color Combinations
Reds: with Reds, Oranges, Yellows, and Environmental Tans
Oranges: with Reds, Magentas, Yellows, and Environmental Tans
Magentas: with Oranges, Magentas, Greens, and Violets
Yellows: with Reds, Oranges, Logical Tans, Environmental Tans, Violets, Indigos, Crystals, and Lavenders
Logical Tans: with Yellows, Greens, Blues, and Crystals
Sensitive Tans: with Environmental Tans, Greens, Violets, Indigos, Lavenders, and Crystals
Environmental Tans: with Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Sensitive Tans, Abstract Tans, and Violets
Abstract Tans: with Environmental Tans, Greens, Blues, Violets, and Indigos
Greens: with Magentas, Logical Tans, Sensitive Tans, Abstract Tans, and Indigos
Blues: with Logical Tans, Abstract Tans, and Lavenders
Violets: with Magentas, Yellows, Sensitive Tans, Environmental Tans, Abstract Tans, and Crystals
Indigos: with Yellows, Sensitive Tans, Abstract Tans, Greens, and Lavenders
Lavenders: with Yellows, Sensitive Tans, Blues, Indigos, Lavenders, and Crystals
Crystals: with Yellows, Logical Tans, Sensitive Tans, Violets, Lavenders, and Crystals
Least Complementary Love Color Combinations
Reds: with Magentas, Logical Tans, Sensitive Tans, Abstract Tans, Blues, Indigos, Lavenders, and Crystals
Oranges: with Logical Tans, Sensitive Tans, Abstract Tans, Blues, Violets, Indigos, Lavenders, and Crystals
Magentas: with Reds, Logical Tans, Sensitive Tans, Environmental Tans, Abstract Tans, Blues, Indigos, Lavenders, and Crystals
Yellows: with Greens
Logical Tans: with Reds, Oranges, Magentas, Violets, Indigo, and Lavenders
Sensitive Tans: with Reds, Oranges, and Magentas
Environmental Tans: with Magentas, Blues, Indigos, Lavenders, and Crystals
Abstract Tans: with Reds, Oranges, Magentas, Lavenders, and Crystals
Greens: with Yellows, Blues, Lavenders, and Crystals
Blues: with Reds, Oranges, Magentas, Environmental Tans and Greens
Violets: with Oranges, Logical Tans
Indigos: with Reds, Oranges, Magentas, Logical Tans, and Environmental Tans
Lavenders: with Reds, Oranges, Magentas, Logical Tans, Environmental Tans, Abstract Tans, and Greens
Crystals: with Reds, Oranges, Magentas, Environmental Tans, Abstract Tans, and Greens
Mary Cole
March 29, 2015 at 5:47 pm
Trying to understand how this whole site works.