How to use Love Colors



Discover your own personal Love Colors by taking the aura color quiz and then learn what your colors reveal about you – your true personality, inner needs, desires and more. Then discover which of the Love Colors will be your most compatible partner. Enjoy exploring Love Colors – and discover a new way to find your best match!

Step 1 – Signup to become a Member.   Join us for FREE

Step 2 – Take the Aura Color Quiz to discover your colors. Watch the video on Taking the Questionnaire.

Step 3 – Fill out your “Profile” and edit your settings in the drop-down menu at the top right corner of the screen. (Keeping your profile and search settings broad at the beginning will give you potentially more matches.)

Step 4 – Go to the Love Colors tab, then go to Members, fill out the Search For settings, and click on the search button. You can let Love Colors find your most compatible color matches and/or select your favorite two colors and browse the membership on your own. You can also search for a specific User by Name, if you know it.

Step 5 – Communicate with people

What is a Life Color? from Pamala Oslie on Vimeo.


Taking the Questionaire from Pamala Oslie on Vimeo.


Where to go on a First Date from Pamala Oslie on Vimeo.


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