
Throughout the ages artists have depicted the aura as a halo or glowing light that appears around the heads or bodies of highly evolved spiritual masters and saints. Apparently, the auras around these beings were so clear and so powerful that others could easily see, feel, or sense them. Recently, the aura has been scientifically detected through Kirilian photography and other electronic equipment.

Most people have many different bands of color in their auras. The outer bands in your aura change all the time – depending on what is happening in your life at that time. The one or two colors in your aura that are closest to your body, however, are your life colors. These colors typically do not change. The life colors reveal information about your personality, theme and purpose you have chosen for this lifetime, what kind of life partner is best suited for you, what kinds of careers will be most fulfilling, your strengths and weaknesses concerning money, health, family, and much more.

Once you take the aura colors quiz, you can discover and read about your true life colors. You may also enjoy reading even more in-depth information about you, your friends, and your family in my books Life Colors & Love Colors. Or you may prefer to listen as I explain the different aura color personalities in my recorded workshops. They were all created to help you better understand yourself and those around you.


  1. Jonathan Almeida

    May 19, 2014 at 9:20 am

    I feel all aspects of life are correct to find our true essence weither it be it be the arua color or grounding into what truly makes you as a person happy its all connected to influencing us as a people to seasrch deeper for answers

  2. Pau

    August 12, 2014 at 11:26 pm


  3. Ruth

    August 21, 2014 at 4:51 pm

    To Pau: Great you can see auras! I do not see these–just feel intuitively how people are feeling. I sense their thoughts/feelings and usually am correct. So there are many sources of info at library re: auras (seeing them, etc). Pam’s book “Life Colors” is helpful, also. I love all the more in-depth info she offers.

    • pamoslie

      August 31, 2014 at 12:01 pm

      Thank you for your kind words, Pau. I’m so happy to hear you can intuitively feel how people are feeling. That is a great use of your inner senses. Thank you for your support of my book Life Colors and of my work. Best wishes to you. I hope your life is wonderful. Pam

      • Edda Speth

        September 30, 2014 at 3:00 am

        Hi Pam. Here’s Edda. I have a kind of real urgent question. I “know” I am indigo and I know I will be (or already am) part of this big change whats going on here. I am a healer, naturally and literally and I am here to have fun and enjoy my life. And: I have two sons, both of them crystals (4 and 7 yrs old) — but when i took the test, the outcome for me was violet – yellow, for my little son orange – yellow and for my big son blue – crystal. Could you help me out with this? What is your test all about, if indigos and crystals are not tested as such in your test … ?! — sry but this question now is lingering around in my brain for more than 8 (!) yrs and i would really look forward to an answer. Thanks a lot!! Love, Edda

        • meg

          October 28, 2014 at 12:13 pm

          Hi Edda,

          I’m also positive I’m indigo (told several times by various people at different stages of my life) and my ‘aura’ color comes up as yellow and lavender. This appears to be seperate from the inidgo mission/life choice. They do not seem to be related. Find someone who handles more spiritual matters to deal with the indigo/crystal identities. This test seems to be a greater predition of personality not spiritual path.

          Hope this helps,

    • pamoslie

      August 31, 2014 at 12:02 pm

      Thank you for your kind words, Pau. I’m so happy to hear you can intuitively feel how people are feeling. That is a great use of your inner senses. Thank you for your support of my book Life Colors and of my work. Best wishes to you. I hope your life is wonderful. Pam

  4. Mary Tillett

    October 13, 2014 at 9:17 pm

    I cant seem to see my info on aura I did register to higher level but still cant get info

  5. albert

    March 24, 2015 at 4:46 pm

    how does one see their aura?

    • pamoslie

      July 25, 2015 at 1:04 pm

      To learn how to see auras, practice first by holding your hand in front of you about 12 inches or so away, and stare just past your hand with soft eyes. You may first see a soft glow around your fingers. Don’t try to hard, relax and look with soft eyes just past your fingers. The glow should start appearing around your fingers and hand. The glow may be white or clear at first until you practice enough to start seeing a color. I have written more about how to see auras in my books Life Colors and Love Colors. And there is more information on – especially in the Aura Colors Premium eCourse. I have created a lot of resources for you to learn to see auras and more. I hope some of those help you expand your consciousness. Have fun seeing auras! Thank you for being on the site. Pam

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