Health Issues for Each Aura Color

In my experience over the past 29 years, I’ve discovered that 98% of all health issues (including weight issues) have a mental & emotional cause behind them.

I’ve also seen that each aura color personality type has a tendency toward specific health issues and weaknesses when they are unhappy or out of power. And each has specific steps they can take to stay healthy or regain their health. What works for one color doesn’t always work for another color.

The predominant aura color personalities that tend to have weight issues are Blues, Yellows, Violets, and Reds. I will post information and helpful tips about these colors in following articles. I hope the information can help some who are stressing over their weight.

Blues & Weight Issues

You Blues are very loving and emotional personalities. You usually take care of everyone else first and put your own needs last. You value love, spirituality and helping others above all else. When you are insecure, you typically become desperate for love – often staying in unhealthy relationships because you fear being alone, abandoned and unloved; or you fear hurting and abandoning another person. With low self-esteem, you may even find it difficult to receive compliments. When you Blues fear not being loved, you can put on layers of weight for protection, particularly below the waist to protect your highly moral and monogamous nature. Obesity is common among Blues who feel unloved and unlovable.

Since love is your main priority, if you Blues don’t have love, it also makes you feel unfulfilled. Eating comfort food can be a way for you to try to fill that emotional emptiness.

Out of power Blues can carry deep feelings of guilt, anger, shame, or inadequacy. Blues are also very moral and monogamous – so sexual guilt can be an issue.

To add to the problem, Blues value spirituality more than physical qualities so you tend to not focus much time, energy, or value on your physical body. Most Blues don’t like and therefore are not motivated to exercise. Walking to the mailbox is usually the extent of a Blue’s exercise program. You Blues can rationalize and give a thousand reasons why you don’t have time to exercise – usually you are too busy taking care of everyone and everything else. And you may feel that if people love you, they should love you as you are – it shouldn’t matter about you appearance. After all that’s how you love others – unconditionally, the physical doesn’t matter.

These are actions you Blues can take to stay healthy and manage your weight:

  • 1) Because a Blue’s weight issue always stems from emotional issues – walking, breathing, prayer, and meditation are healthy activities for Blues.
  • 2) Releasing past guilt and the fear of not being loved also helps you release your need for protection or need to fill the emptiness – thereby changing your need for comfort food.
  • 3) You Blues need to learn to love yourself – to give yourself as much love and attention as you give to everyone else, then it can become easier for you to keep yourself balanced and healthy. You will feel more emotionally fulfilled and won’t have such a need to protect yourself from rejection, criticism or loneliness.
  • 4) Realize that you ARE loved and you ARE lovable. Your only motives in life are to give love and to be loved. Those are nice motives. You have given to and helped a lot of people. And you are loved just because you are you and you have a beautiful, well-intentioned soul. Loving hugs to you!


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