
Members directory


68 / Woman

Yellow, Blue

I am an artist/explorer/observer/writer happy to be here and enjoy all that life has to offer. I am somewhat of a loner and a bit eccentric.

Mrs. L

56 / Woman

Violet, Yellow

57 / Woman

Blue, Yellow

Eco-Lux Jewelry Designer : : Artist : : Soul Worker and Wanna-be Mermaid : : Happy Spirit Enjoying the Dance of Life


69 / Woman

Yellow, Violet

Peace and Love Music and art and the sounds and beauty of the natural world are the universal language of peace and love ~ii~ I am about creating peace and love in people world wide. Music, the arts and nature are my language and way to communicate and feel energy in a grounded and...


79 / Woman

Yellow, Green

French Texan: I am a fun, enthusiastic, energetic, open, health conscious, independent woman. I am a goer and doer, not a sitter and waiter. I am compassionate, respectful and caring. Because of my strength people do not necessarily notice my sensitive tender side sometimes. I am a world traveler...


36 / Woman

Violet, Yellow

I'm an artsy kind of person. I have a bad case of wanderlust and haven't done much of the wandering YET. I am interested in other cultures and history. I hope to leave the world a better place than I found it. I'm interested in spirituality and the...


45 / Woman

Yellow, Lavender

I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything.


47 / Woman

Yellow, Violet

42 / Woman

Violet, Magenta

Albanian woman who the world raised- artistic mama- playful soul - boldly spontaneous - wisdom seeker- yin yoga lover- always looking out the window wanting to be somewhere else in the world - culture admirer ...


31 / Man

Lavender, Yellow

Hey! ... I thought I'd make a little dating account for the fun of it. I am absolutely fascinated with colors and I believe there is so much to learn and discover. It just takes a few videos to get my interest pumping again. I am very familiar with colors...


67 / Man

Violet, Green

I live my life like a true Violet/yellow. Watch the videos - I tend to be heavier on the Violet. I am passionate about life, the arts, social change, and communication. I have worked in theatre and film for all my adult life. I love to travel and explore beauty...


40 / Woman

Blue, Yellow

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