
Members directory

eddie murray

50 / Man

Yellow, Blue

I couldn't ascribe a label to myself that would fully fit me.I am a truth seeker, adventure lover, and am intrinsically drawn to the sun,bodies of water and trees. But am also a home body who loves to sit on the porch in silence and reflect on life. Im at peace with myself...

lily of the valley

69 / Woman

Violet, Crystal

I am an Indigo/Violet/Yellow - interesting, intriguiging, warm, demonstrative, funny very youthful 55.I feel and act 30. I am unique, there is only one of me. I can carry a conversation with anyone, my work is with those less fortunate, I enjoy my independance and love my animals (any animal,...


47 / Man

Violet, Yellow

32 / Woman

Lavender, Indigo

70 / Woman

Green, Yellow

67 / Man

Yellow, Sensitive Tan

i will try to explain more later so just for now i will talk aobut my hopes an dreams of meeting with a partner who likes to dance and wishes to move in harmony together....


82 / Woman

Crystal, Blue

I think that all of us have some event in their life that changed the course of their life and created the life you lead today. Many years ago I was very good at designing computer systems and moved upward in my field very quickly. Then I went on vacation...


49 / Woman

Blue, Yellow

I Believe in Love!!!!!!!! I believe we all made of Love and we are Love. I absolutely Love and adore Animals and Nature......


34 / Man

Yellow, Blue

Simple. Very optimistic. Love everyone and everything. Willing to learn everything. Shy but open. Just ask.


64 / Woman

Violet, Blue

My ability to get along with just about anyone makes me unique. I love people and always see the best in them. I understand personalities. I can be quiet and loud. I may want to just sit in the sun or hike up a mountain. I am always up for...


40 / Woman

Blue, Indigo

I reside in Beautiful British Columbia, as you can see from my pictures. I love nature walks, deep spiritual conversations and like-minded individuals who choose a simpler, holistic lifestyle. I'm looking for genuine, authentic friends (because I'll most likely be leaving the country soon to go teach English in...


57 / Man

Indigo, Crystal

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