
Members directory


41 / Woman

Indigo, Crystal
Maria Nanova

30 / Woman

Violet, Lavender
pablo sanz

44 / Man

Red, Orange

Hola, soy pablo un esforzado trabajador de una entidad financiera de prestamos rapidos. Mi forma de vida es muy sencilla y me gusta viajar y el deporte. Mi trabajo como gestor de prestamos online no me deja mucho tiempo para buscar pareja y me encantaria tener una vida en pareja...

javier prestamos

45 / Man

Blue, Sensitive Tan

Conseguir la relacion adecuada y poder estar conforme con nuestra vida deberia ser nuestra meta final. Para no estar nunca en numeros rojos podemos utilizar un prestamo rapido de prestamosrapidos10min. La importancia de la personalidad nos da la idea de nuestro color favorito en nuestra vida y cada...


34 / Woman

Yellow, Blue

Hello everyone!! n.n my name is Shila (pronounced Shy-la)!! 🙂 I am a mother, artist, and I am always looking for new friends. I enjoy reading, mainly fantasy and sci fi books. I play DnD, game, and enjoy most other nerdy activities lol x3 I enjoy almost all kinds of...


27 / Man

Lavender, Yellow

I've tried OkCupid, and thats not working out, so I figured I might as well give this a try. I love to make people happy, I have a stupid sense of humor. Good taste in music is important to me. I love games and screwing around.

Kennedy Pearce

25 / Woman

    Insecurity and pessimism can hinder the higher development of those born during the Cusp of Sensitivity who travel the Way of Experience. My personal sensitivities can cause me to withdraw from the challenge to open myself to wider life experience and explore the nature of my limitations versus...


31 / Man

Yellow, Violet

I like to have fun and not take things seriously. I also want to change the world though. How exactly I am not sure of, but I have lots of ideas! I want to learn and do lots of things, such as acting, dance (old fashioned stuff, breakdancing, solo and...

Audrey Dowdell

31 / Woman

Red, Blue

Better to ask me so we have something to talk about...


26 / Woman

Violet, Blue

Hey! Well, my goal really is to save the world. Wanna join me? Currently already am on a spiritual path towards healing and soul evolution 🙂 see you at the end!^^


44 / Woman

Red, Green

I am bubbly, romantic, fun loving, outgoing, adventerous, sweet natured, resourceful and ambitious. I am a radio & television personality and a filmaker. I love to travel and to read. Most of all i love meeting new people. What makes me unique is my smile. I am always happy and...

Donte Powell

25 / Man

Logical Tan, Indigo

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