
Members directory


67 / Man

Violet, Green

I live my life like a true Violet/yellow. Watch the videos - I tend to be heavier on the Violet. I am passionate about life, the arts, social change, and communication. I have worked in theatre and film for all my adult life. I love to travel and explore beauty...


69 / Man

Logical Tan, Yellow

Kind friendly person like to go chinese restaurant for dinner at least once month.Lke to go to movie theater once month that about it.

Carole Glenn

56 / Woman

Lavender, Crystal

40 / Woman

Blue, Yellow

31 / Man

Crystal, Abstract Tan

Hi.. :3 My passion is Divine Comedy. One of my “Heroes” is Virgil. Who is Virgil; Prophet of Hell’s gates, Purgatory, and Divine Comedian/Epic Poet. Date of death : 19BC “Having survived the depths of Hell, Dante and Virgil ascend out of the undergloom, to the Mountain of Purgatory on the far side...


82 / Woman

Crystal, Blue

I think that all of us have some event in their life that changed the course of their life and created the life you lead today. Many years ago I was very good at designing computer systems and moved upward in my field very quickly. Then I went on vacation...


29 / Woman

Yellow, Logical Tan

Hello 🙂 I'm 18 so I'm really young but I discovered her book a while ago and I fell in love with it. Chances are if you are here you already know what your life colors are. I am a yellow and logical tan?.with a little violet. If you know...


38 / Woman

Yellow, Lavender

I consider myself to be very open-minded. I am a very curious being and my curiosity can never be satiated. I have my own sense of style and I love people who are themselves no matter what. I love music and animals. I sing as a hobby and I love...


64 / Woman

Violet, Blue

My ability to get along with just about anyone makes me unique. I love people and always see the best in them. I understand personalities. I can be quiet and loud. I may want to just sit in the sun or hike up a mountain. I am always up for...


70 / Woman

Blue, Yellow

53 / Woman

Violet, Indigo

World travel and connecting with people of all cultures makes me feel at home. I've been active in the athletic realm my entire life and need to move my body in nature to feel alive and connected. I enjoy hiking, mountain biking, surfing, kayaking, snow boarding, riding my motorcycle and...


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