Looking for
- Looking for a
- My Education
- My Interests/Favorite activities
Animals, Computers/Gaming, Electronics/Technology, Movies, Music, Nature, Theater, Travel
- My Sports
Baseball, Extreme Sports, Hiking/Walking, Snow sports, Swimming
- How often do you exercise?
- Do you smoke?
- Do you drink?
- Your Diet Preference?
- What is your religion?
- My politics?
- What languages do you speak?
- My Relationship status
- My Hair color
- My Eye color
- My Body type
- My Height
- My Ethnicity
- About me
/b/ Im too funny and sarcastic to mention, im very intelligent, i cannot spell, i love fun and people who can take jokes. I am blunt like a mother****er. Im a little hypocritical, im not 18 ;D. I can take judgement and critisim. There is no bad idea. I will be and stay loyal. No hate whatsoever. Religion matters not. I dont enojoy people who are posers, like if you just say unoriginal stuff that you heard from someone else. I am a frequent 4chaner. Im a bit of a nerd but i dont flaunt it and you wouldnt know from meeting me.I am very active, Im never sitting still even when im doing somthing lazy i give it an active twist I love going places, I may be young but im not immature or unexperianced.And yes i Am aware of the meaning of my user name The End