Looking for
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- My Education
- My Career
Environmental, Artistic/Creative/Performance, Healing Arts, Self-Employed/Entrepreneur, Student
- My Interests/Favorite activities
Animals, Art, Healing arts, Music, Nature, Science/Physics, Travel, Writing
- My Sports
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- About me
Hey! … I thought I’d make a little dating account for the fun of it. I am absolutely fascinated with colors and I believe there is so much to learn and discover. It just takes a few videos to get my interest pumping again. I am very familiar with colors from the experience of painting so I often describe things in color, by how it feels to me. Yellow and Violet definitely describe me pretty well. And Lavender also describes my attraction to fantasy and other dimensional language, and my innate attraction to animals and telling crazy stories as a little kid, off into a creative universe of my own. So yes, I do need a bit of grounding. Im sure my colors are always fluctuating.