pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago
Your Aura Colors & Relationships
Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship.
Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that radiates from you. Author and aura expert Pamala Oslie has discovered, through her ability to see the aura for the past 30 years, that your aura colors reveal important information about you – your personality, relationship styles, best career direction, health, how you deal with money, and more.
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships, and what you can expect if you are in a relationship with each of them.
To discover your own personal aura colors take the free quiz at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com.
LAVENDERS: If you’re going to be in a relationship with Lavenders, this is what you may want to know. Lavenders are lovely, sensitive, whimsical creatures. They are innocent and childlike, wonderful explorers of the imagination. Daydreaming is one of their greatest pleasures. Lavenders are gentle free spirits who are not happy following rules. These fragile beings need partners who are willing to provide a beautiful, stress-free environment for them, rather than insist they become anything other than the gentle souls they are. Lavenders are happiest when they have partners who are willing to handle all the financial matters and take care of all the day-to-day responsibilities. They would rather be playfully creating than working or facing the harsh realities of the world. They need partners who can make them feel safe and nourished. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago
Your Aura Colors & Relationships
Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship.
Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that radiates from you. Author and aura expert Pamala Oslie has discovered, through her ability to see the aura for the past 30 years, that your aura colors reveal important information about you – your personality, relationship styles, best career direction, health, how you deal with money, and more.
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships, and what you can expect if you are in a relationship with each of them.
To discover your own personal aura colors take the free quiz at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com.
INDIGOS: Indigos are intelligent, sensitive, spiritual, and extremely intuitive; most of them are actually psychic. Indigos can also be also extremely honest, aware, independent, fearless, and strong willed. Most exhibit a wisdom that is beyond their physical years. Indigos are ushering in a new way of thinking, a new consciousness, so they need partners who understand this and are willing to live with higher principles, those who have also developed higher spiritual awareness. Indigos need partners who are authentic, caring, wise, honest, and supportive. They want to completely bond with their partners, to be able to trust them with their deepest secrets, and to explore magnificent spiritual ideals together. It usually doesn’t matter to Indigos whether this person is male or female, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, asexual, a different nationality, or a different color. They relate to people’s inner essence rather than their outer form – they want to bond soul to soul. Their partner needs to be able to understand, accept, and live at that same level. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago
Your Aura Colors & Relationships
Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship.
Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that radiates from you. Author and aura expert Pamala Oslie has discovered, through her ability to see the aura for the past 30 years, that your aura colors reveal important information about you – your personality, relationship styles, best career direction, health, how you deal with money, and more.
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships, and what you can expect if you are in a relationship with each of them.
To discover your own personal aura colors take the free quiz at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com.
GREENS: These movers and shakers are intelligent and ambitious with a strong, commanding presence. Greens want to live a well-respected and quality lifestyle. These driven, often workaholic Greens may not be at home much, however, so they prefer partners who are independent and self-reliant. Greens need to be able to respect and feel intellectually stimulated by their mates. They also require a high level of honor and integrity from their partners. They are willing to share their hard-earned fortune with appreciative partners. Greens are risk takers and gamblers, so they need support and encouragement from their mates, not someone who will prevent them from accomplishing their goals. Their partners must respect them, their money, their plans and ideas, and their dedication to their work. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago
Your Aura Colors & Relationships
Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship.
Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that radiates from you. Author and aura expert Pamala Oslie has discovered, through her ability to see the aura for the past 30 years, that your aura colors reveal important information about you – your personality, relationship styles, best career direction, health, how you deal with money, and more.
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships, and what you can expect if you are in a relationship with each of them.
To discover your own personal aura colors take the free quiz at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com.
TANS: These practical and down-to-earth personalities value long-term commitment. They need partners they can count on to be logical, devoted, and reliable. They prefer mates who can be content with a basic and secure lifestyle – not those who need extravagance or an adventurous life. Tans are not typically emotionally expressive, but they usually are the ones who will faithfully stay in marriages and jobs their entire lives. They work steadily and earn a reliable income so they can have a secure home environment, a healthy pension, and safe retirement plan. This way they can provide for their family and live comfortably for the rest of their lives. Tans are not risk takers or gamblers; they prefer partners who will share in a safe, sensible, and long-term committed partnership. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago
Your Aura Colors & Relationships
Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship.
Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that radiates from you. Author and aura expert Pamala Oslie has discovered, through her ability to see the aura for the past 30 years, that your aura colors reveal important information about you – your personality, relationship styles, best career direction, health, how you deal with money, and more.
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships, and what you can expect if you are in a relationship with each of them.
To discover your own personal aura colors take the free quiz at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com.
BLUES: Blues are among the most nurturing and devoted partners. They live for love. One of their greatest joys and sources of fulfillment is knowing that they are in a loving, committed, and monogamous relationship. When Blues fall in love, there is nothing they will not do to keep their relationship together. What Blues need from their life partners are love, monogamy, loyalty, faithfulness, emotional connection, mutual trust, and long-term commitment. Blues are often highly emotional beings so they need partners who are compassionate, kind, and understanding. Emotional intimacy is much more important to Blues than physical intimacy. They desire a strong emotional and supportive bond with their partner and a harmonious, spiritual, and love-filled home – and for it all to last forever. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago
Your Aura Colors & Relationships
Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship.
Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that radiates from you. Author and aura expert Pamala Oslie has discovered, through her ability to see the aura for the past 30 years, that your aura colors reveal important information about you – your personality, relationship styles, best career direction, health, how you deal with money, and more.
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships, and what you can expect if you are in a relationship with each of them.
To discover your own personal aura colors take the free quiz at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com.YELLOWS: The fun-loving Yellows need playmates. These big kids at heart need to laugh and enjoy life with their partner as their best friend. They love to make people happy, so they need partners who give them positive feedback, not constant criticism of their childlike and youthful behavior. If they get the impression that they are perpetually disappointing their partner, they will lose their natural enthusiasm and eventually give up trying to please their partner. They enjoy partners who are playful, happy, spontaneous, curious, optimistic, physically active and healthy, and content with the simple things in life.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago
Your Aura Colors & Relationships
Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship.
Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that radiates from you. Author and aura expert Pamala Oslie has discovered, through her ability to see the aura for the past 30 years, that your aura colors reveal important information about you – your personality, relationship styles, best career direction, health, how you deal with money, and more.
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships, and what you can expect if you are in a relationship with each of them.
To discover your own personal aura colors take the free quiz at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com.
VIOLETS: Violets usually have strong, dynamic personalities. They are natural visionary leaders who often use their passion and vision to inspire others. They typically radiate a tremendous charisma and sexual chemistry. Violets need to live remarkable lives so they need partners who can soar with them – those who can encourage and motivate them to reach their highest potential. To feel fulfilled, Violets need companions who are their equals, inspirational partners who share their visions. If they marry people who are weak, fearful, resistant, or uninspiring, Violets can become bored, unfulfilled, and eventually emotionally disconnected. They must experience excitement, growth, expansion, inspiration, and passion in their relationships. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago
My radio show guest on Monday, Jan 20, 5:00 pm PT will be Dannion Brinkley, the NY Times bestselling author of, Saved by the Light. You can listen on http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. Dannion has had three near-death experiences, and will discuss concepts for mastering life in this incredible time of shift and miracles. He says, “Never before has humanity played such a critical and necessary role in helping to shift and elevate mass consciousness. As we all come to understand the multi-dimensional universe we live in, we all become partly responsible for the ascension into higher levels of light and awareness.” Please join us and let’s see what’s he says about our future.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years ago
Happy 2014 to you all. I hope you are all enjoying your life adventures so far and that this year will be awesome for you! One of my wishes for you – for us all – is that we finally fully ALLOW wonderful experiences into our lives at all times. It’s time for us to realize how amazing, lovable and magical we all are. Thank you for being a part of my life journey. I value each of you. May you be fully alive and awake this new year! And may you enjoy love, joy, prosperity, perfect health, and fulfillment this year and always.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years ago
Changing Your Beliefs
Pamala OslieWhen something in our life makes us unhappy, we often attempt to change the outer circumstances: quit the job, get a divorce, move to another city, go on a diet. We have been taught to fix things outside of us, when we really need to change our inner beliefs. If we don’t change our beliefs, we create the same circumstances again and again. When the same situations keep occurring, this only reinforces our belief that this is the only reality there is. It’s and endless cycle until we stop the process by questioning and changing our beliefs.
To change your experience, you need to change your beliefs. It does no good to try to change other people or outer circumstances because your beliefs will continue to create the same circumstances in your life. You can leave an unhappy relationship or quit an unpleasant job, but if you maintain the same beliefs, you will continue to attract similar situations and people no matter where you go. You simply can’t run away from you. Your life is a mirror of your beliefs.
For example, if you have a habit of choosing partners who are emotionally wounded, you will most likely continue this pattern until you change your need to rescue others. If you are not feeling appreciated at your place of employment, chances are you will experience similar circumstances at other jobs as well. This is not to say you should never change jobs or get a divorce; your job or your marriage may no longer support who you are. But you must realize that changing jobs or partners does not guarantee that you will solve your problems.
You can walk away from your current “mirror,” but you will still see your own reflection when you stand in front of the next one. You must change who you are in order to see a new reflection in the mirror.
Only when you change some of your beliefs before you enter into a new chapter in your life, will you create a new experience. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2014!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years ago
Well it’s the beginning of a New Year so on my radio show, Monday, Dec 30, 5:00 pm PT, we’re going to take calls and also discuss some awesome things about who we all are. It’d be nice to go into the New Year feeling inspired and optimistic. If you’d like to join in the fun, you can call in toll free 866-564-1290 (in Santa Barbara, 564-1290.) You can listen at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or on 1290 AM in SB. I hope you all have a fantastic 2014!! (Feel free to call in if you’d like psychic/intuitive advice – or just to wish others a great New Year.)
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years ago
Tuesday December 17, 2013 – Pam will be a guest on “Spirit Seeker Radio Show” with host Cynde Meyer. The show will air from 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. Listeners can call 347-884-9914 to Listen to the interview, Or go to: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cyndemeyer
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years ago
Happy holidays to you! We are excited to share two exciting announcements with you!
But first, we want to wish you a joyful holiday season. We hope you are enjoying this season surrounded by those you love, and that you are also taking time to savor quiet moments of gratitude and reflection. The holidays are a great time to create precious moments. They can also bring added stress so we encourage you to remember to breathe and focus on those things that bring you joy. We trust the article on http://www.LifeColorsCity.com about how the different aura color personalities best handle stress is helpful to you.
And now for our exciting news…
Pam will be a guest on ABC’s THE VIEWon Thursday, January 9, 2014!andPam’s new book Infinite You will be released in January!
Whoopi Goldberg will interview Pam in a segment on THE VIEW called “Out of this World.” Check your local listings for airtime in your area.We love sharing how this all happened. While Pam was in New York City appearing on Hallmark’s The Better Show, the producers of THE VIEW invited her to give readings to their staff. For four hours Pam gave readings non-stop to over 20 staffers and producers, including Executive Producer Bill Geddie, who created THE VIEW with Barbara Walters. The show has garnered 24 Daytime Emmy Awards. The studio was a buzz with word of Pam’s abilities and accurate readings.
Whoopi Goldberg, the anchor host of THE VIEW, received an Academy Award Best Supporting Actress for her role in GHOST, in which she portrayed psychic Oda Mae Brown. Goldberg has a great interest in psychic and supernatural topics and often brings guests on THE VIEW to explore these subjects. George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AM, was one such guest. Pam, coincidentally, has been a popular guest on Noory’s show, which reaches nearly five million listeners internationally.
*****INFINITE YOU: A Journey to Your Greater Self and Beyond by Pamala OsliePam’s fourth and newest book will soon be available. Pam believes that we are far more powerful than we’ve been taught and she sees a profound shift occurring in human consciousness. In her new book, she shares evidence that we are evolving into a more highly developed species, one with enhanced abilities and a greater level of awareness. Many others like Pam have been demonstrating unusual and advanced abilities that go beyond what most people believe are possible. Pam says these skills are not only possible, they are real and natural, and she shows you how to develop them so you can enrich your life.In Infinite You, you’ll discover how to:
Create using pure energy
Develop your sixth sense, telepathy, and intuition
See auras and feel energy fields
Use parallel universes to change your life
See your other (past) lives
Talk to people on “the other side”Developing these abilities can create more trust, compassion, freedom, and joy in your life. Reading Pam’s book you’ll discover what is truly possible, understand why these skills are important, explore the science behind them, and learn techniques that can open you to new experiences in life.
Watch http://www.LifeColorsCity.com for details on how you can be among the first to order INFINITE YOU – book or ebook.
Thank you for sharing our joy and excitement with us. All of us at LifeColorsCity.com wish you a warm and wonderful holiday season and a new year filled with abundant happiness.
Best wishes for joy and celebration to you,
Rod Lathim
& The Staff at Life Colors City
http://www.LifeColorsCity.com -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years ago
Grammy winner, singer songwriter Kenny Loggins will be my special guest on Monday, Dec 16, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. He will discuss his life story but we’re also going to delve deeper with his thoughts on life, love, philosophy, and more. Kenny is one of the most beloved songwriters in the world because he writes from his heart and soul. I hope you will join us. You can listen in on http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or on 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. The show will also rerun on Sunday, Dec 22, 8:00 am PT and will be archived on the LifeColorsCity website. You can also check out Kenny’s tour schedule on his site: http://www.kennyloggins.com
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago
Here are some upcoming shows I will be a guest on. I hope you can join me! December 12, 2013 Thursday, 8:00 PM PT – 10:00 PM PT Pam will be a guest on radio show with host Erin Dakins http://www.thetruthtraveler.com December 13, 2013 Friday, 12:00 PM PT – 2:00 PM PT Pam will be a guest on “The Alan Handelman Show” with host Alan Handelman http://ifitrocks.com December 14, 2013 Saturday, 5:00 PM PT Pam will be a guest on “The Paranormal View” with host Henry Foister http://theparanormalview.com/about/
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago
If you are a Yellow/Violet combination (or a Violet/Yellow) for the most part, people with these colors do not experience much inner conflict. Yellows and Violets can be quite compatible — as long as your Yellow side is taking action to fulfill your Violet vision.
There are a few areas this combination may experience conflict, however. Your Violet grand visions and purpose on the planet can overwhelm and frighten your Yellow side, which prefers to have fun and be easy going. Your Violet visions can be so enormous that your Yellow side may fear your performance will be inadequate. You Yellows are often too shy or insecure to believe you could accomplish such feats, or you can’t figure out how to go about manifesting such a dream. Also, your Yellow side may resist the amount of work that may be required. When the Yellow aspect doesn’t want to work that hard or procrastinates because of fear, your Violet aspect may become frustrated and impatient. You Violets want to live your visions now. To hide out or procrastinate, your Yellow aspect may become entangled in negative addictions such as sweets, over-eating, alcohol, or drugs; or you may find other ways to hide out and distract yourself, such as staying too busy to get to your dream. This not only delays your Violet’s dream; it can blur your vision.
If the Violet side of you desires to accomplish a goal or move to a new level in life, but your Yellow aspect procrastinates because of fear you may experience a “wake up call.” Yellows do not like facing fears. So you may develop health problems because that’s the best way to get a Yellow’s attention – it’s a Yellow’s most effective wake up call. When your health suffers, you know something is wrong. The Yellow aspect must learn to trust and support your Violet side in order to manifest your visions. Your Yellow aspect will support your Violet’s vision if you believe it will be fun and creative or will help others.
If your Yellow aspect can stay physically active, healthy, and away from negative addictions, and if you can keep a sense of humor and find creative solutions to accomplishing your dream, then your Yellow/Violet color combination can be dynamic, loving, energetic, charismatic, and successful. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago
BLUE/VIOLET Aura Color Combination – How to Create Inner HarmonyA Blue/Violet aura color personality doesn’t usually experience as many conflicts as some combinations do. (I use “her” here – but it applies to males as well.) Because Blue and Violet are both in the emotional family, they are both very loving and compassionate. Violets tend to be stronger personalities than most Blues, however. They don’t cry as easily and do not react to situations as personally as Blues do. Both colors care deeply for people and have intense feelings.Blue/Violets may begin their lives predominantly as Blues, their main priorities being relationships, marriage, and family. They may begin their careers as counselors, teachers, parents, or nurses. Their lives revolve around helping others. Sometime during their lives, they shift into their Violet aspects. Their homes, marriages, and families are no longer their main priorities. They still love them dearly, but feel drawn toward helping people on a greater scale. They long to write, continue their education, travel or become involved in humanitarian causes.This transition can cause Blue/Violets considerable guilt and confusion. During this time they may even question their desire to be married to their current partners. (Just because someone doesn’t want to be married anymore does not mean she is necessarily a Blue/Violet Color Combination.) As Blue/Violets shift into this new phase of their lives, they develop a strong desire to do something very powerful, meaningful, or fulfilling. They also want more freedom to evolve. Blue/Violets need to know that they don’t necessarily have to abandon their families to follow their dreams. They just need to readjust their lives to incorporate their new desires.A few conflicts can occur within this combination. The Blue aspect often fears the power and the potential of appearing arrogant of the Violet aspect. The Violet’s visions can seem too grand and overwhelming for the sensitive Blue. She wonders: If I’m that successful, will people still love me? If I become a powerful leader, will I outgrow my friends and family? If I become independent and powerful, will I move beyond a need for a significant relationship partner? The Blue aspect could suppress her Violet power if she fears she will be alone and unloved as a result.An example of a Blue/Violet transition is the loving Blue counselor suddenly deciding she wants to start teaching group workshops, write a book, or produce a video so she can help more people on a larger scale. Other examples are a Blue/Violet teacher deciding to quit her job to travel around the world, learn about other cultures, and become a journalist; or the unassuming and charitable Blue who starts becoming more interested in money so she can have more freedom to travel or to pursue greater dreams. These new self-motivated desires can make a Blue feel selfish.Other personality traits begin shifting from the Blue to the Violet. For example, the moral and monogamous Blue begins to become increasingly interested in passion or being with a more inspirational partner. All of a sudden, the loyal Blue finds herself considering extramarital affairs. The horror and confusion this can create is overwhelming. Often, affairs occur because the Blue is afraid to pursue her own Violet dream. She subconsciously hopes that focusing her attention on another relationship will fulfill this strange new impulse for change. After all, the Blue side of her always felt that a relationship would fulfill all her needs. An affair accomplishes very little, however. It only delays the feeling that she needs to do more with her life. To balance the increased drive for passion, she can instead channel her energy into her new Violet vision.For both sides of this Color Combination to be happy, a Blue/Violet needs a loving, secure, and yet inspiring mate who will share her same dream, or to have the freedom to live on her own. She also needs a career that allows her freedom to travel or pursue her interests, and the ability to help humanity. Although money will never be her first priority, she needs enough to give her the freedom to accomplish her visions.Although family will always be important, Blue/Violets will never be content to sit at home. They must feel they are contributing something of value to the planet, including exploring creativity through art, music, theater, photography, or writing as well as joining organizations that benefit humanity, animals, or the environment.For Blue/Violets to stay balanced, they must learn to love, support, and trust their dreams and visions. Blues usually love and support everyone but themselves. They must learn to support the visions of their own Violet.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago
BLUE/YELLOW aura color personality – potential inner conflict and how to create harmonyIn power, this delightful creature is loving, playful, cheerful, creative, and energetic. She helps people by bringing warmth and joy into their lives. These personalities are usually high-energy people. The loving nature of the Blue combined with the sparkling, creative, and energetic nature of the Yellow makes this combination a fun-loving, creative teacher or a gentle healer.This color combination doesn’t experience many traumatic inner conflicts. Both Blues and Yellows are caring and generous people who are sensitive to the needs of others. Although Yellows can be rebellious individuals, both Blues and Yellows are people-pleasers — it is important to them bth that people like them.Conflict can occur in a few areas. The Blue aspect is typically more emotionally serious, feeling that she must help people. The Yellow aspect rebels against the Blue’s intensity, believing that the most effective way to heal people is to show them how to have fun. Because neither Blues nor Yellows make money a priority, this combination frequently experiences financial difficulties. Blues have a hard time receiving money for services, and money disintegrates in the Yellows’ hands. If Blue/Yellows can learn to love, honor, and respect themselves, finances will improve.The four areas in which out-of-power Blue/Yellows can experience the most inner conflicts are relationships, sex, exercise, and children. The Blue aspect wants an emotionally fulfilling, monogamous, and committed relationship. Although the Yellow aspect wants a playmate, she has a fear of commitment. Blue/Yellows can sabotage their relationships and not even be aware they are doing it. Blue/Yellows are frequently attracted to people who are not available — they are already married, live far away, or have a fear of commitment themselves. By falling in love with people who are unavailable, Blue/Yellows can feel the emotion of being in love, but escape the trap of commitment. The Blue aspect will often find a mate, but the Yellow aspect will run away to be free of the commitment. She frequently makes it appear that the other person has chosen to leave her, when in reality she is the one who has pushed the other person away through her fear of commitment. The Blue has a hard time letting go of relationships; the Yellow is ready to move on because things aren’t fun anymore. Blue/Yellows frequently have multiple marriages or relationships. Blue/Yellows can help themselves by choosing mates who can laugh, play, and yet emotionally commit to them. Sex can be another problem for this Color Combination. The Blue is very moral and monogamous. In order to sleep with someone, she must love that person. The Yellow believes that sex is a fun, playful experience that doesn’t need to involve serious commitment. Even if she is in a relationship, the Yellow can entertain the idea of having a playful, sexual interlude with someone. This can cause waves of guilt for the loyal Blue. If Blue/Yellows can stay balanced and channel their energy into physical exercise or creative projects, extramarital affairs can be avoided.Exercise is another challenge for Blue/Yellows. The Yellow needs to stay physically active to maintain a sense of wellbeing and harmony. However, the Blue’s idea of exercise is walking to the end of the driveway. She is not motivated to exercise. When the Yellow aspect feels a need to exercise, the Blue aspect creates a hundred excuses why she can’t. Blue/Yellows who don’t exercise will experience low energy, depression, stiff muscles, and backaches. When they do exercise, they feel better. Setting up a regular exercise schedule is highly recommended for this Color Combination. Gardening is also a very therapeutic form of meditation.The Blue/Yellow combination commonly experiences weight problems. The emotionally vulnerable Blue and sensitive Yellow put on weight either for protection or because they are feeling unfulfilled. In addition, when a Yellow is insecure and experiencing low self-esteem, her addiction to food, sweets, or alcohol can compound the problem. When Blue/Yellows feel good about themselves and stay physically active, weight is not a problem.To stay balanced, Blue/Yellows must, first of all, stay physically active. Dance or exercise is imperative to their creativity, health, and joy. They must also keep a light and healthy perspective on relationships. The childlike Yellow aspect can add lightness to the emotional and moody Blue aspect and keep Blue/Yellows from becoming depressed or too serious.Blue/Yellows can frequently experience dilemmas regarding career choices. Yellows, who really prefer not to work at all, want to change jobs constantly. Committing to one career is boring and restrictive. The loyal and committed Blues feel guilty abandoning their employers and coworkers. Blue/Yellows must allow themselves to have careers they enjoy. They want a variety of careers that allows them to have fun while being creative, being physically active, or helping people. Frequently, Blue/Yellows hold two or three jobs simultaneously, which allow them to have choices, be spontaneous, and not become bored. They must, however, make sure they also take time for themselves so they don’t become overwhelmed and exhausted.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago
Violet/Indigo aura color personality (Many of you have now added Indigo into your aura, so this information can apply to you as well.)Someone who has both Violet and Indigo in her/his aura can have some interesting strengths – and conflicts. With the Violet side’s visionary abilities and humanitarian qualities, the Violet is able to relate to the Indigo’s highly spiritual beliefs and priorities. The Violet side can see the future the Indigo side intuitively feels is coming. Indigos appear to be surrounding themselves with Violets who have the leadership ability, power, and strength to clear the way for the Indigo age. So if this person has both aura colors – he can support his own dreams and goals. They are usually both in alignment – so there is typically very little inner conflict.The powerful Violet side clears the path, leading the way and keeping the Indigo side safe from people who are not supportive or in harmony with her spiritual ways. The Violet also believes in the same higher principles the Indigo does so there is not the typical inner conflict that some other color combinations can experience. This combination has tremendous potential for balance and success, provided the Violet side does not become so overpowering and dictatorial that the Indigo side ends up rebelling and sabotaging himself.There are a few areas in which conflict could arise inside this person. The two sides have different beliefs about how to live in this world. The Violet side wants to take action, to do something important to make an impact on the world & improve people’s lives. The Indigo side believes she just needs to live by example and sees no need to “save” the planet. So often this person will not know if she should go out into the world and be seen, or quietly meditate and modestly create art or music at home.The Indigo prefers to be alone and quiet, or connect with just a few intimate friends, bonding on a soul-to-soul basis with each. Where a Violet typically loves performing, surrounding herself with crowds, or going to a lot of important charity events, an Indigo rarely wants any of that. The Violet side often enjoys being the center of attention but the Indigo side prefers to stay anonymous and unseen. If the person can stay centered, both sides can support each other’s needs and keep inner harmony by taking turns or finding a way to do both activities in moderation. For the most part this aura color combination can create a highly spiritual and visionary life. Both Violets & Indigos have a curiosity about other cultures so this person would probably enjoy traveling. A Violet/Indigo combination usually has great compassion for people everywhere. What this color combination senses and sees as higher truth can broaden the horizons of many people. The Violet and the Indigo both search for truth and higher consciousness. Balanced and in power, they both have an inner sense of what is needed on the planet and a desire to contribute each in his/her own way. If this person allows both sides to work together and allows both sides to win – to each have what they want, then this combination can create wonderful humanitarian projects or important life-changing work on the planet – even if it’s from a quiet place at home. Both Indigos and Violets want to bring peace, compassion, and spiritual enlightenment onto the planet – so their goals are in harmony with one another.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago
I will be taking calls on my radio show, Monday, Dec 9, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. If you would like a free psychic reading or if you have a question or comment you can call in toll free at 866-564-1290 (or 564-1290 in SB.) You can join us at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or 1290 AM talk radio in Santa Barbara. Happy holidays to you all. Thank you for listening to the show.
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