pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
I loved having you on my show, “Intuitive Guidance with Lindsay Marino”….the episode will air tonight at 5pm PT. Here is the link for your fans:http://www.facebook.com/l/8AQGXRFNfAQFbFBWv9Eudwth9TcCMDZxe2hbtaRbqB1F-Aw/www.blogtalkradio.com/intuitiveguidance/2013/11/12/auras–pam-oslie
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
I am SO excited that Peter Russell, author of The Global Brain, The Consciousness Revolution, Waking Up in Time, and more, will be on my radio show on Monday, 11/11 at 5:00 PM PT. You can listen on http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or 1290 AM Talk Radio in Santa Barbara (rerun on Sunday, 8:00 AM.) He is an amazing cutting-edge speaker who is world-renown in the field of spirituality & consciousness. It will be fascinating to hear about his information on consciousness. I hope you join us!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
The wonderful Gary Douglas will discuss “The Place – What you have been seeking that you always knew was possible” on The Pamala Oslie Hour radio show on Monday, Nov 4, 5:00 PM PT. He explores the possibilities of what life could be, and believes that all things are possible. What a great topic! You can listen on http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. We have such inspirational & informative guests on the show. I hope you’ve been able to listen to some of them. All the shows are archived on the site, if you’ve missed any. We’re doing our best to encourage & support people to live amazing & fulfilling lives. Have a fantastic week!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
The following briefly describes the personalities and the dreams of the different aura color personalities. There are also tips on what they can do to accomplish their dreams.
Reds are very physical and love expressing themselves through their sensuality and their physical bodies. They live their lives in the here-and-now with zest, strength, courage, and self-confidence. Their dreams usually involve experiencing everything the physical world has to offer. They want to enjoy life as physical beings.
Reds prefer to take physical action to create their dreams. Reds have the optimistic outlook that every problem has a solution. They will stick with the problem, trying every possible method to solve it. Reds usually find an option that works. They stubbornly persist even after everyone else has concluded that the situation is hopeless. They also have the physical strength and stamina to stick with something, enduring beyond everyone else’s point of exhaustion. They can inspire others through their sheer optimism and willingness to continue.ORANGES
Oranges are physical thrill-seekers and daredevils. They love the challenge and excitement of physical danger. Their dreams usually involve the adrenaline rush of reaching the top of the mountain, carrying off a dangerous stunt, winning a race, getting through the fire unscathed, and surviving. They love to challenge their environment and go beyond accepted physical limits. Oranges love to put their lives on the line to feel alive and to feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
To accomplish their dreams, Oranges can be incredibly resourceful, with amazing abilities to mentally become their opponents, to calculate every possible maneuver, and to boldly take action. They awe others with their courage and daring. They are bold enough to go after physical challenges and live their dreams — even in the face of potential death.MAGENTAS
Magentas are usually innovative, outrageous and creative. Often artists and inventors, they love to figure out new bizarre ways of doing things. Their dreams usually involve creating unique and outlandish projects and being able to support themselves with their unusual art. They like taking physical substance and stretching it into new forms that go beyond what people consider normal – controversial objects that are arty, trendy and even shocking.
To reach their dreams they must have the willingness and courage to set their own styles, to believe in themselves and their ideas even if people criticize or mock them. Magentas just need to learn to accept and appreciate themselves and allow others to be themselves, to stay happy and look at life with a sense of humor. These unique personalities tendency to be strong willed and determined to live life exactly the way they want to also helps them reach their dreams. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
The following briefly describes the personalities and the dreams of the different aura color personalities. There are also tips on what they can do to accomplish their dreams.
Crystals are quiet, well-meaning souls who are natural healers. They are also deep thinkers. Crystals’ dreams usually involve having a quiet, spiritual and meditative life.
They love to read books, attend the theater, study philosophical or spiritual topics — anything of social significance or that inspires them to ponder the meaning of life. They usually prefer to spend time alone contemplating life and spirituality, however, rather than be with others.
In order to achieve their dreams and reach their highest potential, Crystals must learn to regularly go within and to commune with nature, their spirituality, and their source. They must constantly retreat to their own environment to free themselves from others’ chaotic influences. This will help them remain centered and open channels for the healing work they came here to do. Because they like simplicity and cleanliness, their environments need to be quiet and orderly. It is healing for Crystals to surround themselves with nature. Growing flowers or planting gardens can be very therapeutic. It gives them a chance to connect with their spirituality in peace and serenity so they can move forward on their dreams.INDIGOS
Indigos are honest, aware, highly intuitive, psychic, independent, fearless, strong willed, and sensitive. Indigos are high-level spiritual souls who know who they are and where they came from. They are so unusual and spiritually advanced that some people find it difficult to know how to deal with them. Looking into their eyes, one may sense that these beings came from another world or that they know something far beyond what is known on earth. Their dreams usually involve living in a world where there is complete peace and harmony, where all life, people, animals, and nature are honored and treated with integrity, compassion and love. They need to live life from higher principles.
To live their dreams, Indigos need to go within and trust what they inherently feel are higher truths, or find others who support them by reminding them of these higher principles. They must remember that they came to the planet with all the knowledge they need to live life with joy, fulfillment, and harmony. By being a living example of these principles, Indigos will eventually show people how to create a peaceful and harmonious world. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
For those of you who have asked me to let you know whenever I’ll be on a radio show, I’ll be on Alan Handelman’s radio show on WSJS in Salem, NC (but you can listen online) on Friday, Nov 1 at 12:00 noon PT (3PM ET) – we’ll be taking calls and doing psychic readings. He’s a fun host so I hope you join us. You can listen here: http://www.wsjs.com/
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
Violet/Green Aura Color PersonalityIf you are a Violet/Green aura color combination – there are some great, positive aspects to both sides of you. But there can also be some intense challenges with your different inner aspects. With the Violet’s amazing vision and the Green’s ability to accomplish projects, there is little you cannot achieve when both sides work together. When Violet/Greens are balanced and in power, they can write, produce, and direct an entire movie almost single handedly. They can build financial empires that surpass most others. This combination, when you are balanced and “in power” is virtually unconquerable.But because Green and Violet are two of the most dynamic and powerful Life Colors, they also create some of the fiercest battles when out of power. A Green is one of the only Life Colors that can successfully sabotage or hold back the charismatic Violet. Violet/Greens are frequently afraid of their power, afraid their Green aspect will become insensitive and controlling and their Violet aspect will become arrogant. The Violet distrusts the Green’s aggressive, powerful nature, fearing it will scare away people. The Green distrusts the Violet’s vision, fearing that failure to manifest the vision will cause him to lose the respect of his peers.This aspect doesn’t usually trust and therefore judges the Violet’s vision. The Green aspect wants to know how the Violet aspect plans to accomplish the project. If the Violet aspect is out of power, he can’t see the steps or describe the plan. He can see only the final picture. The Green challenges the dream, declaring it to be impractical, unrealistic, and full of pitfalls. He then lists all the reasons why it can’t work out: there isn’t enough money, training, or education; people won’t respond to it, they’ll think it’s foolish; it’s far too grandiose.If the Green aspect talks the Violet aspect out of his dream, the person will become discouraged and depressed and ultimately will lose respect for himself and his “foolish” visions. When the Violet aspect has a vision, he can’t allow the Green to reduce it to rubble. He must inspire the Green to come up with the plan to achieve the dream. A scattered Violet often sees too many potential visions, which can drive the Green crazy. The Green aspect wants order, discipline, and control. The Violet/Green would be wise to make a list of priorities, so that the Green feels that things are under control.In power, Violet/Greens lead by example. They earn the respect of those around them by accomplishing their dreams.Money can create an interesting dilemma for this combination. Although these Life Colors both want money, Greens desire it for the power and possessions it can buy and Violets want it for the freedom it gives. Violets can work only on projects they believe in. If the Green aspect wants to take on a job or project just for financial gain, this combination will experience conflict. Violet/Greens may sabotage the project or punish themselves for becoming involved in something they really didn’t want to do. Deciding upon their life purpose is one of the strongest conflicts for Violet/Greens. Violets have a strong desire to help save the planet and to inspire humanity. Greens are more concerned with learning, accomplishing, and becoming financially successful. If Violet/Greens successfully create huge financial empires but nothing to help improve conditions on the planet, they will feel empty and unfulfilled. Violets’ dreams cannot be ignored. Both aspects need to be fulfilled.The Green aspect often bargains with the Violet by promising to pursue the Violet’s vision “as soon as I am financially established and successful.” However, no matter how much money Greens acquire, sometimes it is never enough. Violet/Greens become more and more frustrated, caught between the desire to make more and more money and the urge to live their vision.Violet/Greens must definitely be self-employed. They have too much vision and power to be limited by anyone. They must either create a profession that allows for financial success while accomplishing the vision of helping people or allow the two aspects to take turns.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
We’re excited to have Dr. Joe Dispenza back on our radio show, Monday, Oct 28, 5PM PT. Best-selling author & “brain change” expert, he’ll be discussing “You Are the Placebo – Making Your Mind Matter.” You can listen at http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. He shows we are not “doomed to failure” by our mental habits. There is a quick way to retrain our brain so we can achieve success & happiness. He’s a fascinating speaker. Please join us!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
Violet aura color personalities are being challenged right now. Because it’s a Violet age, you Violets are in your power time. This is when you’re supposed to be “stepping up” – accomplishing your bigger purposes & visions. And you Violets are feeling it. You probably first heard your inner voice telling you something felt wrong – that you needed to change or do something different with you life. If you follow what it’s telling you, everything will some how work out. If you don’t listen to that inner voice, you will get a more obvious nudge or wake up call. If you don’t pay attention to that nudge – the wake up calls will get much louder! What is it going to take to get your attention – that something is wrong and your soul wants more?
About 90% of my clients these days are Violets! That’s huge! They’re feeling squeezed – most didn’t listen to that small inner voice. Now they’re coming in with depression, serious health issues, divorces, deaths, and other dramas. If you feel stuck or unsure how you’re going to accomplish your dreams, if you haven’t found a way to move forward, you’re most likely getting the rug pulled out from under you to make you move forward.
You Violets have always had big dreams. You need to live “outside the box.” It doesn’t matter if others don’t dream or envision that way – you do and there are reasons for that.
1) You didn’t want to be bored this lifetime – you wanted to have a bigger life, a more extraordinary experience. So what you do this lifetime needs to be extraordinary. The bigger challenges lead to the bigger payoffs. Bigger mountains to climb bring greater & more inspiring vistas at the top. And because you have so much compassion and depth to you (even if you’re currently frustrated with humanity – that’s common for Violets) you need to do something that improves the quality of life for others. You need to help or inspire people in a big way – to improve the quality of life for others. That is a tall order. If you get to the end of your life, or leave the planet without fulfilling your reason for coming here – you’ll most likely have regrets. (As much as you think you’ll be relieved to be done with the struggle – you’ll also wonder what this lifetime was about and if you could’ve done something else.)
2) You Violets typically would prefer not to “have to” come back to this plane, this planet again. You’ve had so many lifetimes – it can get boring, hard, or overwhelming here for you. This plane usually feels dense and tough to you. So you need to tie up all lose ends, resolve any issues you have with people, move through your frustration, not give up in hopelessness – because if you leave the planet that way, you’ll make yourself come back here again. (Belief systems aside – that is THE worse thing for a Violet to hear.)
Advice on how to move forward and live your potential:
1. First, listen to your inner voice
2. If you think you don’t know how to accomplish what that voice is telling you to do – imagine someone coming to you with the same dream and confusion, and see what you would advise them to do. You Violets are some of the world’s best advice-givers. You just need to listen to your own advice.
3. Be around people who are doing what you want to do, be around the energy of what you want to do with your life. It will make it more real for you. You pick up the energy of the environment around you. Chose the people & environment that will inspire you to believe in your vision – to see that it’s possible to achieve!
4. Violets benefit from mentors. Find people or at least read biographies about people (other Violets) who inspire you and then do what they did – or something similar. Did they have courage? Did they not give up on their dreams? Did they go the extra mile? Did they take it step by step – and eventually find themselves living their dreams? What inspires you about them? Be and act that same way.
5. Meditate – Violets need to have quiet time to connect with their vision and higher guidance. If you can’t sit still – take a walk, listen to inspirational or calming music, do something to quiet that critical voice so you can get out of your own way.
These are few steps to help you Violets live your purpose and your dreams. I have written so much more in my books Life Colors, Love Colors, and Make Your Dreams Come True. I have created guided imagery meditation CDs and MP3s. I’m doing what I can to support you Violets to live your passion and potential. Go for it! If you fall – just get up again. Giving up will lead to depression and self-disappointment. That’s worse than failing.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
Just a reminder that I am presenting “Fully Live Your Aura Colors!” Teleseminar tonight, Wednesday, October 23, 6:00 PM PT! We have so much fun – and we learn a lot. I hope you will join us!
We will discuss the particular aura colors of the people on the call – definitely Violet, Yellow, Blue, Crystal, Indigo, Green (maybe Tan if there are Tans on the call.) And if you will be on the call tonight – let me know your colors when you’re on the call and I will add those to the list.You chose your aura colors for a specific reason. Discover how to fulfill your original plan and intention. Find out how to use the strengths and best qualities of your aura colors to create your ideal life. Learn how to move your life forward, not get stuck with inner conflict, and how to tap into your best ways of manifesting. Go to http://www.lifecolorscity.com/en/teleseminar.html to sign up! -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
If you are a Yellow/Violet combination (or a Violet/Yellow) for the most part, people with these colors do not experience much inner conflict. Yellows and Violets can be quite compatible — as long as your Yellow side is taking action to fulfill your Violet vision.
There are a few areas this combination may experience conflict, however. Your Violet grand visions and purpose on the planet can overwhelm and frighten your Yellow side, which prefers to have fun and be easy going. Your Violet visions can be so enormous that your Yellow side may fear your performance will be inadequate. You Yellows are often too shy or insecure to believe you could accomplish such feats, or you can’t figure out how to go about manifesting such a dream. Also, your Yellow side may resist the amount of work that may be required. When the Yellow aspect doesn’t want to work that hard or procrastinates because of fear, your Violet aspect may become frustrated and impatient. You Violets want to live your visions now. To hide out or procrastinate, your Yellow aspect may become entangled in negative addictions such as sweets, over-eating, alcohol, or drugs; or you may find other ways to hide out and distract yourself, such as staying too busy to get to your dream. This not only delays your Violet’s dream; it can blur your vision.
If the Violet side of you desires to accomplish a goal or move to a new level in life, but your Yellow aspect procrastinates because of fear you may experience a “wake up call.” Yellows do not like facing fears. So you may develop health problems because that’s the best way to get a Yellow’s attention – it’s a Yellow’s most effective wake up call. When your health suffers, you know something is wrong. The Yellow aspect must learn to trust and support your Violet side in order to manifest your visions. Your Yellow aspect will support your Violet’s vision if you believe it will be fun and creative or will help others.
If your Yellow aspect can stay physically active, healthy, and away from negative addictions, and if you can keep a sense of humor and find creative solutions to accomplishing your dream, then your Yellow/Violet color combination can be dynamic, loving, energetic, charismatic, and successful. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
Tara Taylor & Lorna Schultz Nicholson will be discussing what it’s like to be an Indigo & an intuitive with their book “Becoming Indigo” on my radio show today, Monday, Oct 21, 5:00 PM PT. You can listen to the live show at http://www.lifecolorscity.com/en/live-radio-show.html or on 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. And it will rerun on Sunday, Oct 27, 8:00 AM PT. Thank you for being so supportive as we bring you interesting and helpful guests.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
October 21, 2013 Monday, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PTPam’s radio show with special guest Tara Taylor and Lorna Schultz Nicholson ” Becoming Indigo”
http://www.tarataylor.ca -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 2 months ago
Pam will be a guest on “The Bob Charles Show” today October 18, 2013, 4:00 – 5:00 PM PThttp://www.Kinetichifi.com
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 3 months ago
How to Create Inner Harmony with Your Aura Colors
Most of us have two main aura colors – or “life colors” that reveal our personality, life purpose, relationship styles, best careers, and more. You can sometimes experience inner conflict between your two different aura colors – then you can feel stuck or unhappy. I will describe some of these combinations, what conflict they can experience and offer a few tips how you can create harmony inside.
Because there are 14 different aura colors, I couldn’t list all of them. So I will begin with some of the combinations I know are reading these posts. If you want me to discuss your particular combination, let me know by posting your two main colors.
IF you don’t know your two main aura colors yet, you can take the free quiz to find out. Go to http://www.LifeColorsCity.com. This is my way of supporting and inspiring you to live your happiest, most fulfilling life. It doesn’t matter which order I list the pair of colors – Blue/Green is the same as a Green/Blue, for example.
So watch for your aura color combination – and the colors of your friends and family as well! I hope it helps you in some way. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 3 months ago
Psychic/Medium John Holland “The Spirit Whisperer” will be on my radio show on Monday, Oct 14, 5:00 PM PT. If you would like to connect with a loved one on the other side, we will be taking calls in the second half hour of the show. You can call toll free 866-564-1290 (in Santa Barbara, 564-1290.) You can also listen live on http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or on 1290 AM Talk Radio in SB. John will share his fascinating life story and what he’s learned by being a medium. Please join us!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 3 months ago
Do you have things in your life you want to change? Monday, Oct 7, 5PM PT on my radio show, Nick Ortner will discuss how you can change your finances, relationships, health, stress, fear and more though “The Tapping Solution.” He has some easy techniques to help you dramatically change your life. You can join us on my show http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. We’re here to inspire and support you living your highest potential!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 3 months ago
October 4, 2013 Friday, 1:00 – 2:30 PM PTPam will be a guest on “The Allen Handleman Show” WSJS (Winston-Salem NC) with host Alan Handlemanhttp://www.wsjs.com/showdj.asp?DJID=56066
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 3 months ago
Heart Super Heart Presents”Infinite You” with Pamala Oslie author, radio show host, & professional psychic
Saturday Oct. 5, 2013, 1:30-4:30 pm $45 pre-paid $55 at door
VIP Pass for $75.00 * 12:15 pm Reception with Pam, Food & Priority Seating487 N. Turnpike Road, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93111Pre-register at http://www.centeroftheheart.com/event/pamala-oslie-infinite-you
We are far greater than we’ve been taught. We all have advanced abilities, those that exceed what most people believe are possible – some say they are impossible. Many of us are living proof that these enhanced abilities are real and natural, but few are telling us about them – until now. Discover how to:* Create using pure energy* Develop your sixth sense, telepathy and intuition* See and feel energy fields (auras)* Use parallel universes to change your life* See other (past) lives* Talk to “the other side”Developing these skills can ultimately create more trust, freedom, compassion and joy in your life. We’ll explore the science behind them, reveal why they are important, and discover how you can develop them to improve your life. Pamala Oslie has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN & numerous other TV & radio shows. She has been a featured speaker at the 2012 TEDx Talks, Fortune 500 companies, Conscious Life Expo, and more. Learn more about Pam at: http://www.LifeColorsCity.com/ -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 3 months ago
October 9, 2013 Wednesday, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PTPam will be a guest on Insights Radio with host Craig Eugene. Craig will be spending the first half of the show asking Pamala questions and then he will open the phone lines for callers. http://www.all1broadcast.com/live-chat-room
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