pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Aura Color Personalities & Pets
People have asked about pets and aura color compatibility so this is what I’ve observed over the years.
Generally, but not always, these are the pets found with the different aura colors personalities:
Yellows like dogs and dogs like Yellows. Both are fun and playful. Both love to exercise and run around outdoors. Physical and affectionate Yellows enjoy dogs because they are also physical and affectionate.
The intuitive and home-loving Blues often prefer cats. Cats also seem to love being around spiritual energy. I wonder sometimes if that’s why you see pictures of witches with cats. And since cats are more self-sufficient, maybe it’s easier for Blues – who always seem to have their hands full taking care of everyone else – to live with cats? Maybe?
Greens (and some Tans) don’t always like the mess, extra work or expense of having animals in the house. But those pets who do share a home with Greens are sure to be pampered and live in style. And Tans will be responsible and take good care of their furry housemates – unless the medical expense of an older pet becomes outrageous, then there can be a moral inner conflict.
Violets can have either cats or dogs, but many also prefer global, exotic animals. The challenge for Violets, who love to travel, can be not wanting to leave their beloved pets behind when they travel – so they often feel limited.
Crystals & Lavenders often have pet allergies. But if they do have pets, the animal needs to be quiet, affectionate, clean and low drama.
Indigos frequently psychically communicate with animals so they usually love all animals – especially global or exotic ones. They, like many sensitive personalities, often prefer and trust animasl more than they trust people.
The powerful Reds often have animals that can hunt with them or guard their homes. Or the sensual Reds like beautiful show pets.
Oranges are so on the go – traveling to scale mountains, to extreme ski or to jump out of planes – that having the responsibility of a pet can be challenging. They, like Yellows however, will often prefer the companionship of dogs.
Of course every person is different so the common preferences may not apply to you. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Do you love your life or feel that something is missing? Do you want to live a lifestyle that fulfills the real you? We’re doing our best to help everyone discover their true purpose and live with joy so we’ve listed the life purposes and some of the best directions for the different aura color personalities. Once you discover your aura colors you can also listen to the many radio shows & podcasts, watch videos or visit the Forum to chat with others for even more support! We’re here for you. http://www.LifeColorsCity.com
Upcoming Special Events
A Fun Journey to Your Inner AnswersWednesday, August 21, 6:00 PM PT Life Colors City Monthly TeleseminarFree for Premium membersWe’ll be playing some fun and easy games that reveal your own inner answers!
These games are designed to:* Uncover any hidden beliefs that are subconsciously affecting your life.* Access your own intuition to discover solutions to your life challenges.* Discover steps to manifest your desires.
Join us on this insightful Teleseminar!Learn more here:http://www.lifecolorscity.com/en/teleseminar.htmlAura Colors & Your Life Purpose
Yellows are fun loving and free-spirited. You are optimistic beings whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help people, animals or nature heal. You can either be very shy and sensitive or the life of the party. You playful Yellows have a great sense of humor and enjoy making others laugh. You believe life is to be enjoyed. You remind people not to take themselves or their problems too seriously.Yellows enjoy being artists, musicians, comedians, writers, designers, healers, doctors, massage therapists, veterinarians, athletes, lifeguards, gardeners, chefs, bartenders, and laborers.Blues are nurturing, supportive counselors and caretakers. Your life purpose is to give love, to teach love, and to learn about love – especially to learn that you are loved. Your priorities are love, relationships, and spirituality. You spiritual Blues live from your hearts and emotions. Actually you are the most emotional people on the planet, crying when you are happy, sad, angry, or sometimes for no reason at all. People always turn to you for comfort and counsel because you Blues will always be there for them. Some of the roles you Blues find fulfilling are teacher, counselor, clergy, nurse, childcare worker, parent, volunteer, homemaker, and social worker. Violets are the inspirational visionaries, leaders, and teachers whose life purpose is to help save the planet. You Violets have an inner sense that you are here to do something important, that your destiny is big. Most of you Violets feel drawn to educate the masses, to inspire people, and to improve the quality of life on the planet. It’s important to trust your visions and reach as high as you can, even if your visions seem impossible to achieve. Dream big and live fully, otherwise you will feel unfulfilled.Many of you charismatic personalities take on roles as leaders, humanitarians, therapists, ministers, politicians or teachers; others prefer to inspire people through music, film, performing or other art forms. You visionaries also love to travel. A Tan’s life purpose is to understand, work with and appreciate every day life, to create a comfortable and secure lifestyle for yourself and others. You are the personalities who can patiently take others’ ideas and theories and actually develop the technology, architectural plans, or products. You Tans have the ability to accomplish tasks that frustrate others. You can be counted on to handle the details of any project. You are logical, methodical, reliable and responsible.Tans enjoy careers as engineers, architects, computer programmers, scientists, bookkeepers, mathematicians, librarians, court reporters, assistants, researchers, and technicians.Greens are powerful, intelligent, and driven movers and shakers. Your life purpose is to learn and grow intellectually, to mentally challenge yourself and accomplish as much as you can in this lifetime. You also build companies and create jobs so that others can make a living. Greens are drawn to business, money and achievement. You quick thinkers are organized and efficient. You write lists and check off items as you are completed. You love to set goals and are determined to achieve them. It’s important for you to keep learning.Most Greens are found in such positions as corporate executive, business entrepreneur, financial advisor, banker, stockbroker, realtor, salesperson, office manager, agent, producer, fundraiser, and organizer. Lavenders see life as a magical world of adventure filled with enchantment, dreams, myths, and spiritual beings. You Lavenders are not here to make a social statement, change the planet, or rescue others. Your life purpose is to stimulate our imagination, to inspire our sense of wonder, and to keep the idea of magic alive in us. It’s often challenging for you sensitive Lavenders to live in this world. You are gentle spirits who just want to be free to explore your imagination and experience other realities. You change your direction as often as clouds do.Many Lavenders are storytellers, dancers, artists, costume designers, writers, musicians, interior decorators, and set designers. Indigos are here to usher in a new era, to live as examples of higher awareness, to show us how to live from higher principles so that we can create peace, love, and harmony in the world. You are intensely honest, psychic, independent, fearless, strong willed, and sensitive. You cannot be coerced into doing anything you do not believe in. Usually, you Indigos do not feel driven to save the planet or to be famous. You just want to live your higher ideals in peace, with your creativity, integrity, and life energy intact. You are also quick to understand technology.An Indigo is often an animal caretaker, childcare worker, environmentalist, horticulturist, health practitioner, computer programmer, botanist, artist, designer, musician, writer, and teacher.Reds’ life purpose is to live in the physical world with gusto, strength, and stamina. You are strong-willed, powerful, down-to-earth, hard-working, and highly physical people. You want to enjoy life with all the basic pleasures it has to offer—food, drink, sex, and other physical gratifications. You Reds prefer to take physical action to bring ideas and plans into form rather than stand around talking about it. Reds often become physical trainers, athletes, dancers, models, surgeons, firefighters, bodyguards, police officers, bartenders, truck drivers, and construction workers. Crystals are quiet, spiritual souls. Your life purpose is to be a clear channel for healing energy. You need to be still and go deep inside so that you can make a pure connection with your spiritual source. This enables you to be a clear healer. When you make this inner connection, you have a sense of inner peace and harmony. Your vulnerable nature can be challenging for you. You are often too sensitive to be around groups of people. It can overwhelm and deplete you. You require a lot of time and space alone to meditate, reflect, nurture, and balance yourself.You quiet yet intelligent Crystals are often massage therapists, doctors, dental assistants, librarians, nuns, monks, florists, interior decorators, artists, and writers. Oranges are thrill-seekers and daredevils. You love the challenge and excitement of physical danger. Your life purpose is to experience physical existence to its fullest, to reach apparent physical limitations and push past them. What is important to you is challenging life and the physical world face-to-face, with cunning, skill, and courage. Oranges are often rescue workers, firefighters, police officers, detectives, racecar drivers, stunt people or extreme athletes. Magentas follow the beat of their own drummers. Your life purpose is to explore the new, to experiment outside the normal, to shock us and keep us from being stuck in an ordinary, humdrum world. You Magentas are innovative and imaginative, and enjoy creating strange, controversial works of art. You love to shock people, for example by acting outrageously while donning wild clothes and eccentric haircuts. Many people considered you a bizarre nonconformist. You Magentas like taking physical substances and stretching them into odd and outrageous forms. Many Magentas become artists, costume designers, clowns, comedians, set designers, actors, writers, and inventors. To discover your aura colors go to http://www.LifeColorsCity.com and quickly take the quiz. If you know others who are struggling to find direction you can share this information with them too. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Founder Pam Oslie & The Life Colors City Team -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Pamala’s Radio ShowMonday, August 12th, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT Pam’s radio show with special guest Marilyn Tam “The Happiness Choice.” You can listen to this fascinating discussion on http://www.lifecolorscity.com/en/live-radio-show.html or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Magentas & Relationships: If you’re going to be in relationship with a Magenta, you’ll need to understand that these outlandish characters are the nonconformists and eccentric personalities of the aura colors. Healthy Magentas are outrageous, fun loving, free spirited, and spontaneous. Magentas appreciate partners who can be zany and impulsive and able to tolerate, even enjoy, the Magenta’s bizarre and shocking behavior. The more spontaneous and outrageous you are, the better. Magentas can become bored quickly if things become too predictable. They also don’t like relationships that get too serious or demanding. To them, being emotionally responsible for anyone is confining. So partners need to be independent, wild, fun, creative, and free. And you definitely can’t be embarrassed easily or you could have a tough time being with a Magenta. They need to know you’re not embarrassed by who they are. Enjoy their outrageous creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Summer Activities for Tan Children: For parents with Tan aura color children, or for you Tans who wonder what to do with your summer vacation, here are some suggestions for interesting activities. Tans are typically quiet, responsible and tend to keep their feelings to themselves. They are often drawn to technology, mathematics, or science. So great places for Tans to spend their summer are computer camps where they can meet other Tans with similar interests. Taking field trips to astronomy observatories, science labs, space exploration facilities, behind the scenes at a special effects company, or even architectural firms can be interesting to Tans. Or depending on the age – finding an internship at one of these places can create great future opportunities for them. Tans love to take things apart and figure out how they work; or you can buy your Tans technological gadgets for them to work/play with. Depending on their ages – erector sets, building blocks, puzzles, train sets that they need to assemble can be fun ways for them to pass their time. Many Tans enjoy reading, so if you have a Tan who fits that description, they will often be in the corner quietly reading and not causing any trouble.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Here are some suggested activities to help your Yellow aura color child make the most of what’s left of the summer.
Yellows are fun, full of energy and need to be physically active – so sports or summer camps are great outlets. Swimming classes, dance, surfing lessons, camps that offer hiking, boating and meeting other energetic, fun friends are great outlets for Yellow children. Left to their own devices, many Yellows can become lazy and unmotivated. They want to just watch TV or play computer games all day – so make sure you find outdoor activities for your Yellow. This will keep them happier and healthier. Yellows NEED exercise or they become unhappy. That applies to all you Yellows – you’re all children at heart! If the weather isn’t conducive to being outdoors, then creative projects also makes Yellows happy. They like creating and working with their hands. Have fun! -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Blue Aura Color Personality: Blues are among the most nurturing and devoted partners. They live for love. One of their greatest joys and sources of fulfillment is knowing that they are in a loving, committed, and monogamous relationship. When Blues fall in love, there is nothing they will not do to keep their relationship together. What Blues needs from their life partner is love, monogamy, loyalty, faithfulness, emotional connection, mutual trust, and long-term commitment. Blues are often highly emotional beings so they need partners who are compassionate, kind, and understanding. Emotional intimacy is much more important to Blues than physical intimacy. They desire a strong emotional and supportive bond with their partner and a harmonious, spiritual, and love-filled home – and for it all to last forever.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Riz & Chief Red Eagle discuss “Journey of the soul and evolution of the self” on my radio show on Monday, July 29, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. You can join this fascinating discussion on http://www.lifecolorscity.com/en/live-radio-show.html or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. Chief Red Eagle will also deliver a message for the planet. Hope you will join us!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Crystals & Relationships – For Crystals who want to know what will make them happy in relationships OR if you are going to be in a relationship with a Crystal, here is some information for you. Crystals tend to be loving, kind, and serene. They are usually quiet and introspective beings that require a tremendous amount of time alone. They love to be at home, quietly sitting in meditation or connecting with their garden. Having clear auras, Crystals are chameleons who take on the energies of those around them. They need intelligent, happy, well-adjusted, respectful, and considerate partners because Crystals tend to absorb the emotions, feelings, and struggles of their partners.
Crystals can become energetically drained and depressed if they are with partners who are unhappy, angry, or in any other way dysfunctional. They need to be with people who exhibit positive behavior. When Crystals are with healthy partners, those who also understand and accept their sensitive and unusual qualities, they flourish. Crystals need to connect with mates who support them and send them energy rather than drain them. Then Crystals feel alive and happy. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
If you are a Tan or in a relationship with a Tan, this is what Tans need from their partners. These practical and down-to-earth personalities value long-term commitment. They need partners they can count on to be logical, devoted, and reliable. They prefer mates who can be content with and even appreciate a basic and secure lifestyle – not those who need extravagance or an outrageous and adventurous life. Tans usually are the ones who faithfully stay in marriages and jobs their entire lives. They work steadily and earn a reliable income so they can have a secure home environment, a healthy pension, and safe retirement plan. This way they can provide for their family and live comfortably for the rest of their lives. Tans are not risk takers or gamblers; they prefer partners who will share in a safe, sensible, and long-term committed partnership.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
Lavenders & Relationships: If you’re going to be in a relationship with a Lavender aura color personality, this is what you may want to know. Lavenders are lovely, sensitive, whimsical creatures. They are innocent and childlike, wonderful explorers of the imagination. Daydreaming is one of their greatest pleasures. Lavenders are gentle free spirits who are not happy following rules. These fragile beings need partners who are willing to provide a beautiful, stress-free environment for them, rather than insist they become anything other than the gentle souls they are. Lavenders are happiest when they have partners who are willing to handle all the financial matters and take care of all the day-to-day responsibilities. They would rather be playfully creating than working or facing the harsh realities of the world. They need partners who can make them feel safe and nourished. They can bring wonderful creativity, sensitivity, kindness and loyalty to a relationship.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
“How to Talk with the Other Side”
Join Pam as she presents this month’s Teleseminar
Wednesday, July 24, 6:00 PM Pacific Time
Discover how to connect with guides & loved ones on the other side.
We’ll have discussion, Q & A, and a guided meditation to help you connect.
You can personally chat with Pam on the phone.
Sign in then connect with the live conference here:http://www.lifecolorscity.com/en/teleseminar.html -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
“How to Talk with the Other Side” Teleseminar
with Pam OslieWednesday, July 24, 6:00 PM Pacific Time
People have requested that I present a teleseminar teaching people how to connect with those on the other side – guides & loved ones, so that’s what we’re doing. We’ll have discussion, Q & A, and a guided meditation to help you connect. You can personally chat with us on the phone. Sign in then connect with the live conference here: http://www.lifecolorscity.com/en/teleseminar.htmlThis seminar is for Life Colors City Premium Members only but it’s so inexpensive to become a member. AND there is so much more on the site for members. Give it a try. You can unsubscribe at any time. There are many podcasts designed for you and all the radio shows aired over the years, featuring great guests sharing their wisdom. May you be fully enjoying your life adventures! Best wishes, Pam
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 5 months ago
July 19, 2013 Friday 4:00 PM PTPam will be a guest on Supernatural Realm radio show with host Tim Roxbury http://ztalkradio.com July 20, 2013 Saturday 5:00 – 7:00 PM PT Pam will be a guest on “The Paranormal View” with host Henry Foister http://theparanormalview.com
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago
Monday, July 15, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT on my radio show best-selling author Jackie Lapin will discuss “Practical Conscious Creation.” Jackie shares great daily techniques to manifest wealth, love, peace and more! You can listen onwww.LifeColorsCity.com or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. http://jackielapin.com/practical-conscious-creation/ The show will also rerun on Sunday, July 21, 8:00 – 9:00 AM PT if you want to hear it again. We’re doing what we can to support you living an awesome life by bringing in great speakers like Jackie Lapin! I hope you join us.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago
If you are a Green aura color personality – or IF you are in a relationship with a Green, this is what they need in relationships.Greens: These movers and shakers are intelligent and ambitious with a strong, commanding presence. Greens want to live a well-respected and quality lifestyle. These driven, often workaholic Greens may not be at home much, however, so they prefer partners who are independent and self-reliant. Greens need to be able to respect and feel intellectually stimulated by their mates. They also require a high level of honor and integrity from their partners. They are willing to share their hard-earned fortune with appreciative partners. Greens are risk takers and gamblers, so they need support and encouragement from their mates, not someone who will prevent them from accomplishing their goals. Their partners must respect them, their money, their plans and ideas, and their dedication to their work. It’s best to be strong, competent, motivated and independent yourself if you are going to keep up with and earn the respect of these powerful souls!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago
For Indigos and for those of you who have added Indigo into your aura – What Indigos need in relationships: Indigos are intelligent, sensitive, spiritual, and extremely intuitive; most of them are actually psychic. Indigos can also be also extremely honest, aware, independent, fearless, and strong willed. Most exhibit a wisdom that is beyond their years.They want to completely bond with their partners, to be able to trust them with their deepest secrets, and to explore magnificent spiritual ideals together. It usually doesn’t matter to Indigos whether this person is male or female, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, asexual, a different nationality, or a different color. They relate to people’s inner essence rather than their outer form – they want to bond soul to soul. Their partner needs to be able to understand, accept, and live at that same level.Indigos are ushering in a new way of thinking, a new consciousness, so they need partners who understand this and are willing to live with higher principles, those who have also developed higher spiritual awareness. Indigos need partners who are authentic, caring, wise, honest, and supportive.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago
Happy Relationships
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships. (If people want to know their aura colors they can go to http://www.LifeColorsCity.com and quickly take the quiz.)
Yellow Aura Color Personality: The fun-loving Yellows need playmates. These big kids at heart need to laugh and enjoy life with their partner as their best friend. They love to make people happy, so they need partners who give them positive feedback, not constant criticism of their childlike and youthful behavior. If they get the impression that they are perpetually disappointing their partner, they will lose their natural enthusiasm and eventually give up trying to please their partner. They enjoy partners who are playful, happy, spontaneous, curious, optimistic, physically active and healthy, and content with the simple things in life. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago
Happy Relationships
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships. (If people want to know their aura colors they can go to http://www.LifeColorsCity.com and quickly take the quiz.)
Magenta Aura Color Personality: If you’re going to be in relationship with a Magenta, you’ll need to understand that these outlandish characters are the nonconformists and eccentric personalities of the aura colors. Healthy Magentas are outrageous, fun loving, free spirited, and spontaneous. Magentas appreciate partners who can be zany and impulsive and able to tolerate, even enjoy, the Magenta’s bizarre and shocking behavior. The more spontaneous and outrageous you are, the better. Magentas can become bored quickly if things become too predictable. They also don’t like relationships that get too serious or demanding. To them, being emotionally responsible for anyone is confining. So partners need to be independent, wild, fun, creative, and free. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago
Happy Relationships
Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships. (If people want to know their aura colors they can go to http://www.LifeColorsCity.com and quickly take the quiz.)
Orange Aura Color Personality: Orange personalities are risk-taking daredevils who need the adrenaline rush of thrilling physical adventures. Oranges are not homebodies. So in order to have a compatible relationship with an Orange, you will have to be brave enough to accompany them on their adventures, or learn to be independent and self-reliant and not be bothered by your partner’s excursions without you. Oranges prefer partners who are autonomous, efficient, highly intelligent, unconventional, adventurous, and physically stimulating. - Load More