
@tomsmo Active 10 years, 8 months ago
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  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago

    Happy Relationships
    Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships. (If people want to know their aura colors they can go to and quickly take the quiz.)
    Red Aura Color Personality: Anyone who is going to spend quality time with Reds will need to be healthy and in great physical shape. Most Reds enjoy strenuous, robust activities. They prefer partners who have strength, stamina, and vitality. There are the traditional, hardworking, salt-of-the-earth Reds, as well as the zesty, hot-blooded, physically passionate lovers. The strong-willed Reds are happiest with partners who are highly physical, independent, trustworthy, and self-sufficient, with a strong sense of self-worth.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago

    July 13, 2013 Saturday, 9:00 AM PTPam will be a guest on Empower Radio with host Lisa Jesswein

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago

    Here is a tool you can use to help you make decisions. Think of a choice you need to make between two options. Now imagine you are at the apex of two different paths – paths that form a “V” shape, with one path going off to the left and one going off to the right. Imagine one of your options is on the path to the left, and the other option is on the path to the right. Then close your eyes and imagine walking down the path on the left – keep walking and walking and walking. Notice what you see and feel on that path as you keep walking. Make sure you walk far enough to get a real feel and to see what happens on that path if you go in that direction. Once you’ve walked far enough and you know how you feel and what you’ve seen, then return to the apex of those two paths. Now imagine yourself walking down the path to the right, and keep walking and walking and walking. Notice how you feel and what you see on this path. You’re soul or greater self knows which direction with make you happier and is ultimately better for you – and it can reveal that to you through this exercise. Doing this exercise you can see and feel your future – before you actually make a choice and physically move forward.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago

    July 11, 2013 Thursday, 10:00 – 11:00 AM PT
    Pam will be a guest on “Sacramento Smiles” with host Tamara Dorris

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago

    On my radio show Monday, July 8, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT, I will take calls & discuss topics. If you would like free psychic information you can call in and talk to me toll free 866-564-1290 (or in Santa Barbara call 564-1290. For those of you outside of the US, 805-564-1290.) You can listen to other callers to see if you hear anything that is helpful for you. Join us via our website or 1290 AM in SB. We have great listeners and there are some insightful questions, so I hope you join us. Have a wonderful week!!! Happy life adventures to you all!

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago

    Two interesting guests will be on my radio show on Monday, July 1, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. You can listen on or on 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD, LMT, RM (5:00 – 5:30) “Body/Mind Therapies” will discuss the power of the mind to heal. Connie Hill (5:30 – 6:00) “Money Stories.” Discover how different people have created wealth & prosperity and their views on money. Both of these guests want you to live happy, healthy and prosperous and will share helpful tips that could change your life! Join us.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago

    Your Aura Colors – Signs of Stress & Tips to Be Happy
    * Yellows are fun loving, humorous, creative, physical, generous, sensitive & natural healers.
    Signs that you’re stressed: You are not laughing and enjoying life. You’re avoiding, procrastinating or distracting yourself with addictions (food, alcohol, TV, sweets, drugs, caffeine, etc.) Your back or knees hurt.
    Tips to become happier: Spend time in nature, exercise, dance, eat healthy, get a massage, play, laugh, cheer up others, hang out with your dog, simplify your life, find reasons to be optimistic, smile, watch a funny movie, and laugh some more.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago

    We’re going to have fun with astrologer Ute Soltner on my radio show, Monday, June 24, 5:00 PM PT. You can listen via or on 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. Ute is always full of great information about what’s coming up and what we can expect this year. I always believe in free will – and I’ve also been amazed at her accuracy. She’s accurately predicted the dates we would have a fire in SB, earthquakes, tornadoes in the south – and some fun and expansive things that ended up happening too. I hope you join us to see what we as the masses are creating this year, what we can expect in the next few months, and learn how we can either prepare or help shift or celebrate what’s coming! It’s always interesting on planet Earth! Discover some helpful tools.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 6 months ago

    The Ego
    The ego was created to perceive and interact with the “physical” world – just like the eye was created to help us perceive and navigate the physical world. Neither the eye nor the ego is bad. They just have limited perception. If we relied on our eye to give us a complete version of reality, we would be in trouble. Your eye doesn’t see the truck that your ear can hear coming up behind you, or smell the smoke from a nearby fire. The eye, like the ego, has limited perception.
    If we judge our ego or make any part of us bad or wrong, we could hold back on our power and our full capabilities out of fear that we could make a mistake or cause harm to another. We need to see the ego for what it is – one aspect of us that was created to interact with the world and we’ve trained it to think small. The ego is not the fullness of who we really are. The ego is the small “i” – not the larger “I am” that is connected to the greater I AM. The ego can’t see beyond what we’ve taught it to believe. Our greater or higher self needs to be in charge, not our ego.
    Be loving and patient with your ego. We have fed limited information to our ego and that’s what it believes is real; we’ve defined who we are, listed our limitations, described our version of reality and told it what is and isn’t possible. When we try to do something that doesn’t match those restrictive definitions or if we try to move beyond the limited pictures we’ve shown our ego – it blocks our progress out of fear. Then we get upset and blame the ego for our problems. Our ego tries to keep us safe, to help us navigate life but with the limited information we have fed it, it only feels safe with certain things. To change our lives and move beyond our ego’s current fears and perceived limitations, we don’t need to fault or judge the ego, we just need to educate it and give it better, more expansive information.
    If you told a child that the world was a scary place, that terrible things could harm him if he left the security of his safe little home, and then you got angry with that child for screaming and throwing a tantrum when you tried to get him into the car to go somewhere – can you see how you might be the one responsible for the situation, not the child? Rather than push that frightened and resistant child into the car, wouldn’t it make more sense to teach the child different things about himself and the world?
    Changing our beliefs and feeding the ego different information can be challenging – especially if we’ve been holding limited or negative perceptions of ourselves for a long time. When we believe something, we gather evidence to support those beliefs. So over the years, we have built quite a sturdy foundation under those beliefs. We have convinced ourselves that what we see in the world and what we experience is THE TRUTH about reality – not just BELIEFS we have about reality.
    Live with whatever beliefs make you comfortable and choose how you want to live. You have free will. We all have different beliefs, perspectives, and life experiences. But when you find yourself feeling stuck, blocked or fearful don’t blame your ego. Comfort and educate your ego, challenge your beliefs by recognizing they are just beliefs about reality, not reality itself. Practice thinking better thoughts and look for beliefs that are more empowering, loving, expansive and freeing to better feed yourself and your ego – even if those new beliefs and images don’t feel quite real yet. Continue to focus on your new desired beliefs and begin gathering evidence to support those beliefs as the truth. Then your ego can also serve you better rather than create fear-based obstacles for you. You’re in this together.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 7 months ago

    “Live a More Magical Life”
    Life Colors City Monthly Teleseminar
    Free for Premium members
    Wednesday, June 19, 6:00 – 7:00 PM PT
    Learn more & sign up here:
    You can personally chat with Pam Oslie on the phone.
    The definition of magic: The power to apparently influence the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces; or an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source.
    Many concepts are judged as “magical thinking” or supernatural – until we understand the natural principles behind them. For example, flight was once declared an unrealistic notion, something relegated to science fiction – until we discovered the principle of aerodynamics. Now flight is commonplace. The ability to fly has improved, expanded and enhanced our life experiences. We have more freedom and are able to accomplish much greater things – now that we can fly.
    So what else can we do that may appear to be “magical” or unrealistic but is actually real and practical? What natural abilities do we all have but are not fully activating and experiencing? We are still holding onto old belief systems about the nature of “reality” that are severely limiting our true potential and our full experience of life.
    Join Pam on the Life Colors City Teleseminars as she explores some of your natural abilities and shares how you can use them to live a freer & happier life. Life can be much easier if you know who you really are & how it all works.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Everyone!
    I trust you’re all enjoying your life adventures! With the arrival of summer, hopefully you have a great vacation planned so you can relax and release any stress that can come with every day living. If you still have to work or if you’ll have the kids home all summer or if you want to make the best of your vacation – here are some helpful tips to help you deal with stress & create a happier life.
    Each of the aura color personalities experiences stress differently and has positive ways to thrive. Have fun reading about your colors.
    And here are our upcoming Special Events!
    “Live a More Magical Life”
    Pam’s Monthly Teleseminar
    Free for Premium members
    Wednesday, June 19, 6:00 – 7:00 PM PT
    Learn more here:
    You can personally chat with Pam on the phone.
    Schedule of Events
    Pam interviews a lot of special & well-known guests on her radio show. AND if you’re interested in hearing more about Pam’s work, she also appears on a lot of radio & TV shows. Discover when & where on the calendar.
    Your Aura Colors – Signs of Stress & Tips to Be Happy
    * Yellows are fun loving, humorous, creative, physical, generous, sensitive & natural healers.
    Signs that you’re stressed: You are not laughing and enjoying life. You’re avoiding, procrastinating or distracting yourself with addictions (food, alcohol, TV, sweets, drugs, caffeine, etc.) Your back or knees hurt.
    Tips to become happier: Spend time in nature, exercise, dance, eat healthy, get a massage, play, laugh, cheer up others, hang out with your dog, simplify your life, find reasons to be optimistic, smile, watch a funny movie, and laugh some more.
    * Greens are intelligent and driven accomplishers, often business-owners, managers, sales, etc.
    Signs of stress: You’ve become a workaholic; you’re frustrated, critical, controlling, arguing, yelling, blaming others, or being hard on yourself. You have tight neck & shoulders, heart problems or digestive issues.
    Tips to become happier: Write a list of your accomplishments, appreciate everything on that list, take deep breaths, organize your space, reduce your caffeine intake, reassess & write a list of your goals, trust yourself, and develop a plan. Then once you learn how to breathe, take action.
    * Violets are visionaries, leaders, teachers, artists & humanitarians who want to help the world.
    Signs of stress: You’ve become overwhelmed, scattered, constantly multi-tasking, stuck, bored, restless, or depressed; or you’re bossy, judgmental & impatient. Your thyroid may be unhealthy or your eyes may be bothering you.
    Tips to become happier: Practice your favorite form of daily meditation, travel, listen to positive music & inspirational teachers, spend quiet time alone realigning with your visions, get involved with humanitarian projects, be with people who inspire & motivate you, travel again – hopefully to foreign countries.
    * Blues are loving, nurturing, spiritual, emotional, and perpetually counseling and helping others.
    Signs of stress: You’re exhausted from giving too much, you’re sad, cry a lot, feel unappreciated, feel unlovable or unworthy, feel guilty, or depressed. You may have throat, breast or reproductive issues.
    Tips to become happier: Pray, connect with a Greater Source, walk, breath, meditate, appreciate your home & loved ones, remember all the loving things you’ve done for others, let go of guilt, trust you are loved, learn to love yourself by doing good things for you too, learn to say no, help others without over doing it, spend time with supportive friends.
    * Tans are practical, logical, patient, detail-oriented, reliable, and value stability & security.
    Signs of stress: You’re worried, anxious, impatient, frustrated, critical, bottling up anger or intense emotions, pessimistic, withdrawn or shut down. You may be experiencing headaches or eyestrain.
    Tips to become happier: Exercise, watch less news, take a break from the details, develop a secure financial plan, rest your eyes, breathe, read positive & optimistic information, find healthy outlets for your emotions (such as talking with a calm & rational friend who can give practical & trustworthy advice), research data until you feel more secure.
    * Indigos are psychic, spiritual, sensitive, independent, strong-willed, highly principled, technically adept, and often androgynous.
    Signs of stress: You’re depressed, lost, confused, angry, rebellious, judgmental, shut down, withdrawn, suicidal, extremely anxious, uncooperative, paranoid or mistrustful.
    Tips to become happier: Meditate, pray, connect deeply with nature, help animals or children, write, create art, create a safe environment, be quiet & listen inside, choose a better perspective of mankind, be compassionate, trust, and remember what your soul knows – there is a reason for all of this, be patient.
    * Crystals are spiritual, intelligent, quiet, deep, sensitive, and introverted.
    Signs of stress: You’re overwhelmed, disoriented, drained, frightened, isolated, mistrustful, and have constant health issues & low energy.
    Tips to become happier: Meditate, pray, create a peaceful environment, spend quality time in solitude, read inspirational & intelligent books, breathe deeply, be with people you trust, listen to calming music, eat simple but healthy foods, be quiet & spiritually reconnect.
    * Reds are highly physical, strong-willed, powerful, robust, hard working, sensual, and independent.
    Signs of stress: You’re angry, short tempered, frustrated, & physically volatile. You are over indulging (food, alcohol, sex, etc), over exerting, physically damaging yourself, or bitterly shutting off & isolating yourself.
    Tips to become happier: Exercise, find hearty physical outlets (running, boxing, martial arts, etc); practice self-control & moderation; take physical action to help people (rebuild homes, rescue work, etc); learn anger management skills; spend time outdoors; breathe; eat healthy & revitalizing foods.
    * Lavenders are highly sensitive, whimsical, artistic, fragile, and spiritual.
    Signs of stress: You’re lost, frightened, confused, spacey, ungrounded, scattered, lonely, and feeling abandoned.
    Tips to become happier: Create a peaceful & calm environment, breathe, meditate, listen to soothing music, pray, simplify, quietly daydream & imagine, then create & bring into form what you’ve imagined, be in nature, and spend time with kind & supportive people.
    * Magentas are creative, outrageous, rebellious, non-conformist, eccentric and usually exhibit shocking & outrageous behavior.
    Signs of stress: You’re isolated, depressed, rejected, lonely, lost, anxious, suicidal, pessimistic, unmotivated, and unable to cope with society.
    Tips to become happier: Spend time around artistic people, have fun at art galleries or thrift stores, find unusual items to create art, entertain others, make people laugh, get another tattoo, keep better hours, don’t stay up all night, eat healthier, appreciate the absurdity of life and reengage with people and life.
    * Oranges are thrill-seeking daredevils and physical risk-takers.
    Signs of stress: You’re frustrated, impatient, feeling trapped, short-tempered, critical and physically restless.
    Tips to become happier: Decide what adventure you want to do next, make a plan, figure out how to make the money, think creatively, plan safely and then take action. Be patient with yourself and others. Exercise, eat to prepare for the adventure, get adequate sleep, learn to moderate and not over-extend yourself. Get involved in projects that physically help people (like rescue work.)
    Enjoy exploring to discover more helpful and exciting information.
    Best wishes for a happy & healthy summer!
    Pam Oslie
    & The Staff at Life Colors City

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 7 months ago

    Nature of Reality & Quantum Physics
    It appears that quantum physics is confirming what spiritual teachers have been trying to teach us for centuries. It looks like “reality” is not what we think it is. It feels exciting to me. Our understanding of life, who we are, and what we can do is evolving. We’re “growing up.”
    AND I, and many others, are being able to experience much of what physics is explaining.
    We are each having different and unique experiences here. We each have different beliefs about the nature of reality and how the world works. No two people on the planet have the exact same beliefs. So how can we know what reality is – when we’re all having such different experiences of it. And because we do have free will – it’s important that we have DO the ability to create and live our own unique experiences. I also honor every person’s unique beliefs. I trust that your soul knows what you’re doing here and that you wanted to have certain experiences.
    The info is based on my studies and my beliefs. Always trust your own intuition about what is “true” for you.
    Here are some of the interesting and radical concepts and ideas that are emerging from quantum physics. If we would really get what they are now saying about the nature of reality – our lives would change dramatically!! And it would free us up to have dynamic and fulfilling experiences rather than to struggle or suffer.
    1) What physics has discovered is that everything is energy and that this energy is everywhere – in space and in matter.
    2) There is no such thing as empty space. It is filled with energy. They’ve discovered dark energy and dark matter (which isn’t in fact “dark” – it’s just invisible, we can’t see it.) The small percentage of “physical” matter that does exist in the universe is also just energy. So, bottom line – everything is energy.
    3) All That Is/ Universal Intelligence/God – whatever name you want to call this – is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Omnipresent means present everywhere. There is NO place it isn’t. So whatever “Universal Intelligence” is – it is everywhere.
    4) Classical physics or Newtonian physics teaches that the universe is mechanistic and that everything is separate. This is the belief that we have based our lives upon for centuries – and this belief has limited our experiences and our possibilities. Quantum physics is revealing that classical physics isn’t explaining what we now know about “reality.” Among other things – there is an energy field from which everything emerges. The “seen” emerges from the “unseen.”
    5) What physicists have discovered is this “field” of energy is a field of all possibilities – until an observer measures it or focuses on it. Then particles blink into light or something becomes “form.” (Let there be light.) So consciousness seems to be intrinsically connected with this field of all possibilities. We are literally creating (or co-creating) our own reality along with this energy.
    6) This energy seems to be “aware” – it responds to consciousness and is affected by the thoughts or energy of the observer. Physics now says there is no way to prove an objective reality because the observer always affects the outcome of the experiment.
    Check out the research being done at Princeton University around the Random Number Generator. They are working to see how consciousness affects the results of experiments. Also check out the research being done around consciousness at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
    7) Everything is connected. We are all one. Nothing is separate from this field of energy. This is what mystics, spiritual masters, and indigenous people have taught for a long time.
    So quantum physics is challenging and revising what we have believed about reality. And to me, it’s profound. Some of the concepts come from research in quantum physics. Some of the information is from personal experience, including that which I’ve discovered through my heightened “intuitive” and psychic experiences. Some of this information will be stories from people who have had near death or other unusual spiritual experiences. But all the information will be shared in an attempt to get us to open our minds, to discover that there is more to reality than we’ve previously believed, and to free us up to live our true potentials.
    More information on Pam can be found on her website

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 7 months ago

    I would LOVE to hear what you all have to say about this!!!
    Where do you sense the world – and we are headed? I’m curious to learn what others are seeing and believing about our future. Are you optimistic? Do you feel that things are getting better or that they’ll get worse before they get better? Are there more doomsayers out there or optimists? And if you’re optimistic – what are you sensing???
    I’d love details – even if people have visions of any new technology coming, or how we’ll be living or what our bodies will be like, and what the earth will be like? Will it just continue this way – more of the same? I think it would be fun to hear about the visions that are circulating. AND I know some of you are working with “teachers” who are talking about where we’re going. I’m just so curious what you see, think and feel. I’m so busy writing and doing projects that I don’t know what some of the others are teaching. Do any of you have some interesting things to share – things you’ve heard or sensed yourself? Like – what is the best quote you’ve heard from someone you respect about our lives??
    (I know, for just a little example, that they already have a roll up gel type of mat that you’ll be able to put on any wall in your home to watch TV on. People are so creative. I wouldn’t know where to start coming up with an idea like that.) I believe we’re headed for being more telepathic. What do you think? Sometimes it’s fun to just play with everyone and share ideas and information. These are real questions that I have. Thanks for sharing!

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 7 months ago

    Neale Donald Walsch, best-selling author of Conversations with God, will be the special guest on my show on Monday, June 3, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. He’s discussing his new book “The Only Thing That Matters.” You can join us on or on 1290 AM in Santa Barbara.The show will rerun on Sunday, June 9, 8:00 AM PT. But this show will not be in the archives afterward – so these two shows will be your ONLY opportunity to hear this interview!!! I hope you will tune in!!

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 7 months ago

    I just wanted to tell each of you how wonderful you are! I am sending you sincere wishes for joy, love and ease this coming week. I know we all go through tough times sometimes – but you’re still very loved and valued. We’re all in this together – and we’re all creating something wonderful on this planet, whether it looks that way or not at times. I believe in you and I’m grateful for all that you’ve done in your life. I know you don’t hear thank you enough; and you’re probably not told often enough how wonderful you – so I’m telling you that now. I hope you learn to see how awesome you are, and what an amazing job you’ve done here on the planet. There are more fun and interesting adventures ahead – so let’s all enjoy them together. We’re such interesting beings. And we’re definitely adventurous beings to be here right now. Big hugs to you all!! May you have an awesome week (and life!!)

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 7 months ago

    Annie Kagan “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers” will be my show guest, Mon, May 20, 5:00 PM PT. Annie will share her experiences of her brother contacting her after his death. She has a very inspirational & fascinating story, so I hope you will join us. This is a remarkable topic – one that may touch us all. You can listen via or on 1290 AM in Santa Barbara.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 8 months ago

    Science & Spirituality

    Science and religion have been at odds for centuries – neither believing that the other has the truth about reality. Today, a new spirituality (or rather a revival of ancient beliefs) and a new physics are emerging – and together they appear to be revealing a new version of “reality.” Quantum physics is progressively validating what ancient spiritual masters & mystics taught.

    So what does the new physics have to do with spirituality?

    “The transition from classical to quantum physics marks a genuine revolution in our understanding of the physical world.” – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    Einstein declared that matter is made up of energy. E=MC2. When physicist study matter under a microscope, they find that at the subatomic level there is nothing solid about matter. And if at the subatomic level, all that exists is energy – waves of information, a field of all possibilities – then we too are made up of this energy. There is nothing solid about us …or the entire universe. That is a dramatic and profound statement.
    Spiritual masters taught that everything we see in the world is “Maya” – an illusion projected out by our minds, that there is no substance or physicality to the universe. What we think we see is all an illusion.
    Quantum physicists have evidence that “reality” is not what we have always assumed. And yet most of us go about our lives as if nothing amazing is happening.
    In this space, we will be looking at what physics and spirituality are saying about who we really are, at the evolution in consciousness that is taking place and what that means for us and our daily lives. Do we really create our own reality and how can we learn to be more in charge of creating the lives we desire?

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 8 months ago

    May 16, 2013 Thursday, 5:00 – 7:00 PM PT/ 8 – 10 PM ETI will be a guest on Second Sight Radio with host Victor Fuhrman I hope you will join in on the fun!

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 8 months ago

    May thru August Radio Show Guests – Mondays, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT

    May 20 – Dr. Annie Kagan “Does Life Exist After Death?”

    June 3 – Neale Donald Walsch “The Only Thing That Matters”

    Jun 17 – Dr. Dain Heer “Being You, Changing the World”

    July 1 – Dr. Kathy Gruver “Body/Mind Therapies” & Connie Hill “Money Stories”

    July 15 – Jackie Lapin “Practical Conscious Creation”

    August 12 – Marci Shimoff “Love for No Reason”

    August 26 – George & Sedena Cappannelli “Do Not Go Quietly”

    Monday radio shows without guests, Pam will take calls, discuss topics, and give free psychic readings. You can listen live on the website or listen later in the radio show archives.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 8 months ago

    How You Perceive Yourself Colors Your World

    If you wish for anything more in life – more abundance, love, freedom, good health, financial security, joy, creativity, etc – and you find yourself continuously striving for it, it could be a result of how you see yourself.

    Ordinarily we don’t want to grade or compare ourselves with others – but this experiment is designed to discover the perspective you have of yourself. How you perceive yourself can affect, limit or enhance your life experiences.

    In your life – career, work, job (or even your love life) if you were to compare yourself to others in your field or situation, would you honestly grade yourself as an

    A, B, C, D or F?

    Really feel into those different levels, be honest with yourself and see how you perceive yourself. Compared to others in your field – what grade are you?

    If you feel you are a “B” or “C” is that because you feel safer being one of those and living at that level? Do you feel you’re better off fitting in with the crowd, blending in so you don’t stand out? Do you feel you would be criticized or disliked if you were an “A” or that people would be jealous of you? Were you taught that being in second place would always keep you humble and striving to improve? Were you taught to not be arrogant or think too highly of yourself? Did you hear that “pride cometh before a fall?” Or do you think you just haven’t reached that “A” level yet, that you’re still working on it? …Or are you sincerely content being a “B” or “C” person?

    If you’re happy being a “B” or “C” – that’s great. You can experience inner peace by appreciating and being content with what you have now. There’s no judgment about any of these grades (despite what we’ve been taught in school) – they’re just different experiences. But are you actually settling for being a “B” or “C” because you believe that’s the best you can do and be – that you are unable to contribute more to the world or to your own life?

    And if you feel that you are a “D” or “F” – is that because you are disappointed that you haven’t accomplished something or reached a standard that you or someone else has set for you? Or are you beating yourself up because you sense you could do better and are not performing at your highest potential? Do you feel stuck and frustrated?

    What would happen if you KNEW you were an “A” person? Imagine being an “A” for a moment. Really feel it.

    An “A” is admired, loved, appreciated, and sought after. They don’t have to beg, plead, knock on doors, chase after anything, or fight to prove themselves. Offers easily come to an “A.” (Notice “A” list actors, athletes, producers, CEOs, etc – they are highly sought after and paid very well for their services.) “A” people love what they do – it inspires and fulfills them. If you are an “A” person – people want you and what you have to offer; they are willing to pay top dollar for you because you are the best. You could be an artist or janitor, a banker or teacher, an athlete, nurse, or counselor – but compared to everyone in your field, you are one of the best; you are a preferred and favored “A.”

    Does that feel powerful, radiant, alive, or exciting? If you are not experiencing that level of happiness, self-confidence, ease and abundance, then you don’t perceive yourself as an “A.”

    Did imagining being an “A” feel scary, or that it would be too hard to achieve? Or do you believe that people at the top aren’t really happy – and you don’t want to be one of them? (People – even famous or wealthy ones – who are not authentically happy don’t actually see themselves as an “A.” They usually sense they are frauds, imposters, empty, unlovable, lonely, etc. That is not a true “A.”) Do you envy, dislike or judge people “at the top?” Or does an “A” inspire you because that person shows you what’s possible? If you judge or dislike those who are successful, you won’t allow yourself to be happy, to live at the top or to be an “A.”

    If you truly want to live your highest potential, to fulfill your life purpose, to really feel alive, happy and empowered – it’s important to see and feel yourself as an “A” NOW – not some day! That can change your life experiences.

    So what can you do to shift your self-perceptions and live the abundant and flowing life of an “A?”

    Spend time imagining and feeling yourself as an “A” – imagine being one of the best in your field. (If fears or negative thoughts arise – envision moving past those, knowing that it doesn’t have to be like that.) Imagine people offering you the best jobs and projects, and paying you a lot of money to have you involved. Think about someone that you admire and respect, someone who inspires you. Now see yourself at that person’s level. Imagine you have the same high-level qualities, and that people love and admire you too. See yourself having a positive impact on people. People are excited to be around you, your work, your creative ideas and your services. “A” people have a greater ability to do good things for the world.

    Now practice aligning with that high-level energy every day, feel those same qualities inside, live your life as an “A” and go into the world with love, integrity and confidence.

    You ARE an “A.” Enjoy success, fulfillment and being alive!

    With love,

    Pam Oslie
    Founder of

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