pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago
I will be giving free psychic readings on my radio show today, Monday, April 15, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. You can call 866-564-1290 (in Santa Barbara 564-1290.) You can listen to the show via http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or on 1290 AM Talk Radio in SB. I hope you are loving your life adventures. Our show is created to bring you information that will empower and enlightened you and give you tools to help you live your greatest joy and potential. Thanks for listening!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago
Indigos are here to live as examples of a new higher awareness. They are usually honest, aware, independent, fearless, and strong willed, but also bright, creative, and sensitive. Indigos are old souls who know who they are and where they came from. They are so highly psychic, unusual and spiritually advanced that some people find it difficult to know how to deal with them. With their clarity and awareness, Indigos are extraordinarily truthful and unwilling to be forced into any mold. They cannot be coerced into doing anything they do not believe in. They cannot be manipulated by peer pressure or by promises of acceptance and love from others. They do not believe in the concepts of guilt or punishment, so neither can be used effectively to persuade them to go against their basic beliefs. They can become frustrated with people and can react by becoming physically abusive, hyperactive, withdrawn, or self-destructive.
Resolution: I commit this year to trusting my intuition and acting in alignment with these inner senses. I also commit to having compassion and tolerance for those who do not understand higher spiritual principles and may have lost their way. I commit to living as an example of love and understanding so that others may see what is possible and live with the same courage and commitment.
Reds love expressing themselves through their physical bodies. They live their lives in the here-and-now with zest, strength, courage and self-confidence. Reality must be tangible to them. They must be able to see, touch, hear, smell or taste it. Reds are most comfortable and alive when physical strength and stamina are required. They enjoy the challenges of moving physical objects or their physical bodies rather than dealing with mental or emotional problems. These personalities are practical, realistic, hard working, and action oriented. They love seeing the immediate results of their work. Reds can be refreshingly honest or brutally blunt and abrupt. In power they are slow to anger. When they do get angry, they get over it quickly and do not hold grudges. Reds who are out of power, however, become angry, easily frustrated, physically explosive, and potentially dangerous. Their rage is usually released physically. They can also tend over indulge their physical appetite. They can eat, drink, and “be merry” to excess.
Resolution: I commit to maintaining a healthy and fit body – not to over indulge my physical appetite in ANY area. I also commit to restraining my emotional outbursts and turn instead to calm and rational conversation. I will learn to breathe, count to ten, or remove myself from any upsetting situation, releasing my frustration in a physically healthy and socially appropriate way before returning to the person or situation. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago
It appears that you have found some Violets right here – with some valuable advice. AND I know it can be challenging to find Violets because they’re on the perimeter of the wheel – living outside the box themselves. I agree with these voices here – very important to trust, develop, strengthen and listen to your own inner voice first. I also know many Violets want to find mentors and teachers. So first – ask and you shall receive. AND second, know that most teachers are Violets and Blues – so your odds are better than you know. Just be discerning and trust how you feel around the teachers that you do find. If they inspire you, learn from them. Just know that often you Violets outgrow your teachers – but they can offer words of wisdom in the meantime. Many writing teachers are Violets – just study with the ones you like and resonate with. If your intentions are strong and clear – they’ll show up for you. Move forward the best you can and find “pearls” where you can. You can string those pearls together – and have great information. In-joy! And trust. You’ll get there.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago
Advice for Greens
Some of you Greens are experiencing challenges right now with your work and finances – maybe you’re unfulfilled, struggling, or out of work completely. Here are helpful tips to help you make it through and maybe even thrive.
A lot of you Greens have been laid off or your work and income have taken a dip – real estate agents, stockbrokers, financial planners, loan officers, bankers, non-profit fundraisers, business owners, and more. During the Depression – more Greens took their lives because they defined themselves by their jobs and their money. Although Greens tend to take failure harder than most others, keep in mind that many Greens in the past have been seriously challenged or failed at least once in their lives – even declaring bankruptcy – before they succeeded. They still knew they would never win if they didn’t aim high and go for it. Some well-known Greens include Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Barbara Walters, David Letterman, and Lucille Ball.
During these challenging times, this may be the perfect time for you Greens to consider furthering your education – going for your Masters, PhD, MBA, etc so you feel more powerful and confident with your level of expertise. Or consider that this could be your opportunity to become an entrepreneur. You’re smart, quick thinking, good at developing plans, organizing offices, figuring out systems and patterns, and more. If you put the same amount of hard work, long hours and energy into your own business as you have been putting into someone else’s business – you could have a good shot at achieving success. Greens do have a fear of failure, of being humiliated, and of not having money – so you’ll have to overcome those fears. Calculate the obstacles and figure out how to get through or around them.
These are beneficial steps for Greens to take:Get clear what you really want to be and have in your life.
Make a list of your desires and goals. (Greens often accomplish the things they write on a list.)
Research what it would take to accomplish those goals – including learning what it took others to achieve similar goals. Weigh the risks – but also look at your life if you don’t do this.
Make a plan, including the financial requirements. Ask yourself if you want to do this alone or find business partner(s), or if you need to take classes or further your education to accomplish your goals?
Take action! Greens need to take action if they are to feel empowered or accomplish anything.
Take responsibility for your own life and situation. Blaming others is common for out-of-power Greens – but it doesn’t accomplish anything, it keeps you stuck and dis-empowered.
If challenges occur, review these steps, adjust your plan if necessary, and then persist. Successful Greens are those who didn’t give up. Greens are typically the most tenacious and persistent of the aura colors. (Stubbornness is not the same thing as being intelligently persistent and determined to accomplish your goals.)
Learn, grow, and move forward. Learn, grow, and move forward. Own your power, think of options, overcome obstacles, develop, revise plans as needed, learn and grow.
Also – appreciate what you’ve learned and already accomplished. You Greens are typically perfectionists, which can hold you back because of a fear of doing it wrong, or make your successes less than fulfilling since nothing is ever good enough.Greens can accomplish anything they set their minds to – so set your mind and commit to achieving your goals. You’ll probably be disappointed in yourself if you play it too small and too safe. You’re smart – go for it.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago
I will be taking calls on my radio show on Monday, March 11, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT so if you would like a free psychic reading, feel free to call 866-564-1290. (In Santa Barbara, call 564-1290.) You can listen live via http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or on 1290 AM Talk Radio in SB. I hope you will join us. You may hear something that applies to your current situation. Happy life adventures to you!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago
Here’s some information to help Blues stay healthy and balanced. Blues tend to give and give and give. You’re the caretakers and emotionally supportive nurturers who lovingly tend to put everyone else’s needs before your own. It’s so hard for you Blues to say “no” – fearing that you’ll make others feel unloved or abandoned, or that they won’t love you if you say “no.” The word “co-dependent” was created because of Blues. We know you come from your hearts – and we love you for that.
Here is a thought – to help you not burn yourself out by over-helping and sacrificing your own well-being. By “rescuing” others, you’re basically telling those people that you don’t believe in them – that they can’t do it without you. By fearing that they will fall, get hurt, starve, or even become homeless without your help – you’re sending them that picture telepathically, which adds to them being fearful and doubting themselves. The most loving thing you can do for others is to tell them you believe in them, that you believe they can “do it!” They may trip and fall in the beginning, but we’ve all survived falling. And then we’ve learned to pick ourselves up and move on. That creates self-esteem and faith in ourselves. Knowing that someone else believes in them could be just what they need – it can give them the impetus to believe in themselves and to pick themselves up. (If you don’t actually believe in them – you may want to look at your own beliefs about that person. Then the most loving thing to do would be to turn your own beliefs, projections, and pictures about them around!) If you really love this person, see the best in him/her. Find a reason to believe in him/her.
If someone was constantly worried about you – it wouldn’t feel that good, would it? Wouldn’t you start wondering what was wrong with you – what they saw in you that made them worry about you so often? It’s not a very empowering feeling. Love others enough to trust that their souls know what they’re doing – that they might be working something out for their inner growth. If you take on their issues for them, they won’t grow or learn to believe in themselves.
…It’s just a thought. I believe in you – you loving Blues. “Sacrificing” for others to show you love them is from an old, unhealthy belief system. Empowering others by believing in them is a great way to love them! (Then you’ll just need to figure out what else you’re going to do with your time if you’re not wearing yourself out by rescuing or taking care of everyone – like maybe learning to love yourself without feeling guilty about it? Don’t worry, you’ll find lots of other ways to give love!)
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
Lavenders are gentle, free spirits who prefer to live by their feelings and intuition, rather than by their intellect. They want to be free to move in whatever direction feels right at the time, and their directions change as often as the clouds do. Lavenders are not here to make a social statement, change the planet, or rescue others. They just want to be free to explore their imagination, be creative and experience other realities. Through their imaginative styles, Lavenders have a unique ability to take people into fantasy worlds or other realms through art or writing or other creative works of art. Being forced to stay in their bodies can sometimes be physically painful for Lavenders. They need to escape into dream worlds for the same reason people need to sleep. It helps them relax and recuperate from the stress of the real world.
New Year’s Resolution: I commit to being more balanced this year. I will spend time in quiet meditation and time exploring my imagination, but I will also spend time being more grounded and practical. I commit to being more responsible, actually taking action on my ideas, and not avoiding the “real world.”
Crystals have clear auras and are often channels for healing energy. Being natural healers, Crystals’ gift is to help people clear blockages, thereby enabling the person’s natural healing processes to take place. Crystals are also highly intelligent. They love to read books, watch movies, attend the theater — anything of social or cultural significance. Crystals are also known as the “aura chameleons” – their auras can change colors to match those of the people around them. They then take on the characteristics, emotions, and thoughts of that color, which can cause the Crystals to feel confused and disoriented. These rare souls are often physically fragile. Because of their unusual sensitivity, they need to retreat often to be quiet and replenish. They often prefer to spend time alone, contemplating life and spirituality rather than spending time with others.
Resolution: I commit to keeping balanced and centered by spending quiet time in meditation to help me maintain a connection with a higher energy/Source and a sense of inner peace and harmony. I also commit to spending quality time in the world, while keeping a sense of self so I don’t become too isolated and disconnected from others. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
I will be taking calls on my radio show on Monday, February 11 from 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT so if you would like a free psychic reading, feel free to call in toll free 866-564-1290 (in Santa Barbara call 564-1290.) You can listen in via our website http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or on KZSB 1290 AM in SB. Thank you again for joining us. Our goal is to inspire all of us to live happy and fulfilled lives! In-joy!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
Start the year off right by honoring your true colors and making this New Year’s resolution the most powerful yet. Once you discover your true aura colors – what physicists call the electromagnetic field – and the personality, emotions and temperament they reflect, you can make a New Year’s resolution that will speed you on your way to living a fulfilling life.
Here is an example of a resolution you can make that will fulfill your aura color personality:
VioletsViolets are visionaries. They sense they have a big purpose—to save the planet, to improve the quality of life for people, to inspire or educate the masses. Violets prefer to work for themselves or be leaders. Violets are often famous. They like careers in the media, entertainment, art, music, psychology, teaching, politics, law or causes. They need freedom and often travel. They need to feel passionate about life and their work or they will feel something is missing. Violets need partners who are equals, who share their vision, are inspirational, passionate, and can soar with them. Violets are often told they are unrealistic dreamers because what they want to accomplish is big and beyond the ordinary. If they don’t believe in their dreams, however, they can become discouraged, scattered, confused or even depressed.
New Year’s Resolution: I commit to finding time to meditate or to be quiet so I can connect with my vision and dreams; then learn to trust those visions, focus, and take steps toward those visions. If I find myself doubting my abilities, I will spend time around people who inspire me so I can believe in myself – and my dreams.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
February 4, 2013 Monday, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT – my radio show guest is Donna Seebo “Power Up with Your Inner Intuitive Self.” Donna is an intuitive so if you would like to call in for a free reading, the toll free # is 866-564-1290. (564-1290 in Santa Barbara.) You can listen viawww.LifeColorsCity.com or on 1290 AM Talk Radio in SB. You can learn more about Donna on her site: http://www.delphiinternational.com.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
Start the year off right by honoring your true colors and making this New Year’s resolution the most powerful yet. Once you discover your true aura colors – what physicists call the electromagnetic field – and the personality, emotions and temperament they reflect, you can make a New Year’s resolution that will speed you on your way to living a fulfilling life.
Here is an example of a resolution you can make that will fulfill your aura color personality:Blues
Blues are emotional, nurturing, and supportive. Their priorities are love, spirituality, and helping others. People usually turn to Blues for comfort and counsel. Blues are very loyal to their families and friends, and love to be in love. They live from their hearts and tend to cry easily. They’re also very intuitive, even psychic. Blues are often teachers, counselors, nurses, volunteers, and caretakers. They need mates who are loyal, caring, kind, emotionally available, faithful, and trustworthy. They usually feel guilty saying no and therefore tend to over commit themselves – putting everyone else’s needs before their own.
New Year’s Resolution: I commit to allowing myself to say no, to love and care for myself as much as I love and care for others without thinking I am being selfish or inconsiderate. By allowing my own “cup” to be full, I am better able to overflow love and kindness onto others. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
I will be taking calls on my radio show on Monday, Jan 28, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. If you would like a free psychic reading or have a topic you would like discuss, feel free to call into the show. The toll free # is 866-564-1290 (564-1290 in Santa Barbara.) You can join us via http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or on KZSB 1290 AM in SB. The show will also rerun on Sunday, Feb 3, 8:00 – 9:00 AM PT and in the archives on the website so you can listen any time. I trust you’re all enjoying your life adventures already in 2013. Life sure is interesting, isn’t it?
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
Rather than see your dream life as “out there” somewhere else in time and space – and something you have to strive to reach or to work hard to achieve, see yourself and your desired life like an acorn – that life is already inside you, emerging and evolving, and it’s inevitable that you will become that. Like the acorn, it’s inevitable that it will become an oak tree – the entire tree is already within it.
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
Tailor Your New Year’s Resolution to Your Personality for Tans and Greens
Start the year off right by honoring your true colors and making this New Year’s resolution the most powerful yet. Once you discover your true aura colors – what physicists call the electromagnetic field – and the personality, emotions and temperament they reflect, you can make a New Year’s resolution that will speed you on your way to living a fulfilling life.
Here is an example of a resolution you can make that will fulfill your aura color personality:
Tans are practical, logical, and down to earth. They analyze details and calculate the steps they take in life. People often appreciate the calm, levelheaded, and sensible nature of Tans. They’re usually employees who pay their bills and make conservative, long-term investments. They value security and stability. Tans tend to keep their feelings to themselves and dislike drama, so they prefer partners who are reliable, calm, rational, and stable. Tans are often architects, engineers, bookkeepers, computer programmers, and such. They can, however, get stuck in routine and therefore limit themselves and their life experiences. They are not risk takers and are uncomfortable with change.
New Year’s Resolution:
I commit to exploring new ideas and concepts so that I can expand my thinking and therefore my experiences. I will take steps to change at least one significant thing in my life and explore more possibilities.
Greens are intelligent, quick, and usually drawn to money and power. Often found in business, they’re movers and shakers, often workaholics. They’re organized, efficient, list-makers. Greens are some of the wealthiest people on the planet. They need to accomplish projects or develop businesses otherwise they become bored and restless. They’re highly competitive and thrive on taking risks. Most fulfilling jobs include CEO, stockbroker, banker, realtor, salesperson, organizer, fundraiser, manager, etc. They prefer partners who are self-reliant, intellectually stimulating, and respectful of them, their money, and their work. They are often perfectionists and can become impatient and overly critical when they are unfulfilled and unhappy.
New Year’s Resolution: I commit to developing more tolerance and patience with myself – and others. I will take time to include more balance, enjoyment and relaxation in my life so that I can stay healthy. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago
David Tyreman will be on my radio show, Monday, Jan 21, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT discussing “Brandtastic – How to make 2013 the year of Your Brand!” What qualities do you aspire to embody? How well are you presenting your authentic self to the world? We’ll be discussing these questions and more to inspire you with your business, your projects and/or your own personal life. You can join us on http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or KZSB 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. The show will also rerun on Sunday, Jan 27, 8:00 – 9:00 AM PT and will be in the radio archives on my website. David is a lot of fun and has great, inspirational ideas! He has advised some of the top companies in the world – Polo Ralph Lauren, Disney, Nike, and Guess for example. I hope you will join us!
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 12 months ago
This Week’s Special Feature
Meditation for Releasing Your Red Overlay
My goal is to see everyone happy and fulfilled. So many of you with a Red Overlay have requested guidance and help in healing and releasing the overlay, so I have now created a guided meditation to help you. (See “Podcasts” http://www.lifecolorscity.com/en/shows/podcasts/) It’s designed to help you feel loved and safe enough to let it go. Members can download the mediation for free. Otherwise, it’s only $.99. I support you being happy and healthy and free!! -
pamoslie wrote a new post 11 years, 12 months ago
Start the year off right by honoring your true colors and making this New Year’s resolution the most powerful yet. Once you discover your true aura colors – what physicists call the electromagnetic field – and the personality, emotions and temperament they reflect, you can make a New Year’s resolution that will speed you on your way to living a fulfilling life.
Here is an example of a resolution you can make that will fulfill your aura color personality:
Some Yellows are shy and sensitive; others are outgoing, playful, energetic, funny, optimistic, and free-spirited. Yellows rarely look, feel, or act their age. Their life purpose is to enjoy life, to spread joy, or to help others heal. Yellows like to exercise and eat healthy – although, if they’re unhappy and unfulfilled, they often become addicts. Their best careers are creative (artist, musician, dancer, designer, writer, comedian); healers (doctor, masseuse, veterinarian, etc); or physical (athlete, builder, landscaper, etc.) Yellows need playful, fun-loving partners who are their best friend and who can accept their youthful behavior. Their challenge is often committing to something and following through. Yellows have great ideas but typically procrastinate because of insecurity or fear.New Year’s Resolution:
This year I commit to taking action, to bringing my ideas and plans into reality and no longer procrastinating. My idea or project could bring happiness or be useful to others so I will follow through. -
pamoslie wrote a new post 12 years ago
Monday, Jan 14, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT – Please join these special guests on my radio show “The Pamala Oslie Hour” on http://www.LifeColorsCity.com or on 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. We’re excited to interview:Arielle Ford, “Wabi Sabi Love: the Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love In Imperfect Relationships”http://www.wabisabilove.com and Julian Michael, “The Secrets of Numerology” http://www.julianmichael.netThese special guests will also be speaking at the Conscious Life Expo, Feb 8 – 10 at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles.
pamoslie wrote a new post 12 years ago
‘ll be a guest on Insights Radio with Craig Eugene on Wed, Jan 9 at 5PM PT. I think we’ll be taking calls – but we also have a great time discussing interesting topics. I hope you will join us – and call in with your ideas! Happy New Year!http://www.all1broadcast.com/
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