pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Welcome to Spring!
Spring represents new birth, new life, new creations, new commitments, new perspectives, and new growth! This is the perfect season to bring new life to your dreams. It’s the ideal time to […] -
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Oranges, enjoying the shift from winter to spring just means you change your skis and snowboards for another sport. You are the embodiment of living life to the fullest and enjoying the new circumstance provided […]
pamoslie's profile was updated 10 years, 8 months ago
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Magentas, you can bring excitement and creative exuberance to this season – with the colors that you love so much finally coming back into the world. No more wearing dark colors for winter and hiding in your cave. […]
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
For you Crystals, spring is a reflection of the beauty, wonder, and spiritual qualities you see in all things. As you sit quietly in your home sanctuary, please meditate on all the new life forms that are coming […]
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
For you Indigos, spring is the perfect example of the new life you know lies ahead for us. This is the season for new beginnings, new growth, new ideas and new perspectives on life. Since you value nature and can […]
pamoslie's profile was updated 10 years, 8 months ago
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
How to Discover Your Aura Colors
Most people find the best way to discover their true Life Colors is to take the following steps:
– Answer the questionnaire
– Watch the videos
– Read the descriptions
If you want more in depth information on each color you can also read Life Colors and Love Colors, Pamala Oslie’s books on the aura colors.1) Questionnaire: The first step to discover your Life Colors is to answer the questions in the questionnaire. Be sure to give your true answers, not the responses you think you “should” give or the responses you think will be more acceptable and preferred by others. The more authentic you are, the better chance a true and long-term match can be found for you. There are no good or bad, better than or worse than, colors. All the colors are valuable and have their place in the world. The colors just reflect different personality types. If you give true and honest answers – if you trust that the real you is acceptable and lovable just the way you are – you have a better chance of attracting the person who is authentically compatible with you. Also keep in mind when you answer the questions that there are often only subtle differences between some of the Life Colors. For example, Blues, Yellows, and Violets can all exhibit similar emotional qualities, a similar desire for relationships – although for different types of partners, and a similar desire to help people – although in different ways. If you pay close attention to all the descriptions, you may intuitively feel which one or two colors are most closely aligned with the real you.
2) Videos: Once you have your color results from the questionnaire, then watch the videos of each color to make sure those colors accurately describe your personality.
3) Read the descriptions of your life colors to see if they accurately describe you. If you relate to the descriptions of those colors, you have discovered your Life Colors. If not, you may want to consider revising your answers in the questionnaire. Ultimately, you are your own best judge.
Before you take the Questionnaire
– Taking the test during an emotionally distraught or traumatic time for you may skew or alter your true answers. If you choose to anyway – breathe deeply to calm down.– We suggest you answer the questions as if money was not an issue in your life. Who would you be if you didn’t have to worry about money or finances? This will reveal the authentic you.
– It is more common for a person to have two Life Colors than it is to have one. It’s also common for a person’s own second color – the second side of the person’s personality – to suppress or contradict the desires and qualities of the first color. For example, if someone is a Yellow/Violet combination, the carefree, playful Yellow side can be offset or suppressed by the more serious and driven nature of the Violet side. Keep that in mind when answering the questions, in case you don’t feel you can answer yes to every question in your strongest color category.
– Occasionally, people suppress their natural Life Colors because of family pressures or expectations. For example, people with the carefree and energetic Yellow Life Color may have been forced by respectable, restrictive, or controlling parents to behave in a more disciplined fashion. The Yellows may have been told that it was not appropriate to be silly, playful, or irresponsible. Consequently, the sensitive Yellows can lose their natural enthusiasm, their creative impulses, and their sense of humor. Parents frequently raise their children based on their own beliefs and their own Life Colors. They do the best they can, given that they are not usually aware of their children’s Life Colors and true personalities. Notice if you sense the real you has been suppressed or unsupported in life, then answer the questionnaire as the true you, not the “domesticated” or “trained” you.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Are There Good and Bad Colors?
There are no good or bad, ‘better than’ or ‘worse than’ colors – each color simply reflects a desire for a certain experience in this lifetime. Understanding that we are all different, that we each have a unique but valuable life purpose, can help promote peace, harmony, and acceptance on our planet.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Do Your Life Colors Change?
Most people don’t change their life colors – their overall life purpose and theme for this lifetime. They may add a new aura color and a new direction or develop a new skill and personality trait, but their inner life purpose usually remains the same. For example, the overall plan and theme you choose in this lifetime may be to help others, or to save the planet, or to express yourself through creativity as an artist, writer, or musician, or more. You may choose different ways to fulfill your goal, but the main underlying theme will still be the same.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
How can I learn to develop my psychic & intuitive abilities?
There are basically five steps that are important:1) Willingness to have these abilities. Some people are afraid of these abilities, afraid of what they might see or feel. You need to be willing to embrace the abilities. 2) Willingness to be quiet so you can hear a deeper voice.3) Trust what you do hear, see or feel. We’ve learned not to trust ourselves – because we think we are not good enough or that we are bad – so we might disappoint or hurt someone.4) Practice, practice, practice. We’ve learned everything by practicing – eating, walking, talking, reading, etc. So find ways to practice these abilities.5) Gratitude. Acknowledge yourself for being willing to develop a greater part of you, and appreciate yourself when you do get intuitive insights right.If you do want to learn more and/or practice these abilities – we’ve filmed one of my Psychic Development workshops and created both a DVD and a CD from that class. You can find out how to order them on my “Shop” page.Currently, I have no future plans to teach this workshop, so hopefully you’ll gain valuable information from the DVD or CD that I have out now. And if you check back on my site often, I will announce if my plans ever change.I’m also assuming that other people offer similar workshops around the world. If you find out about those workshops and would be willing to share the information with others, please post the information on my Blog. Keep in mind that I don’t know about these other workshops so do your own diligent research to find out about their quality.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Can anyone learn to see auras?
Yes, I believe we all have the ability to see or sense these energy fields – or auras. They are natural abilities, but few people will learn to develop them. There are many children now who are coming forward and acknowledging their abilities, as are many adults – who remember being able to see auras when they were young but were afraid to tell anyone or who were discouraged from discussing it.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Are psychic abilities a gift?
I see all of Life as a gift. I do believe that we all have this ability – that it’s part of who we are. I’m also seeing more and more people developing this skill. You just need to learn to listen to and trust your inner voice, your higher self, your inner God voice – or whatever you choose to call it.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Have you always been psychic?
Go to My Story to read how I got started.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Your system tells me that my email address cannot be used to register. Why not?
You may have previously signed up and simply don’t remember.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
It says my password is incorrect.
Click on “Forgot Password” to get a temporary password emailed to you. Once you receive your temporary new password, sign In and go to your “Settings” to change your password to one you prefer.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Why am I having trouble getting the site to function properly on my computer?
The most common problem with website operation and functionality is the use of old browsers. Check to make sure the browser you are using is the most current version. Old browsers have trouble running new websites. If you are having trouble accessing other sites on the Internet, this is most likely the problem.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
What is a “Friend Request”?
This is a way for you to connect with other members and to start getting to know them. We encourage you to communicate and become friends with others while you search for your partner. It’s a great way to learn more about someone to see if there is a match.In addition, there is value in developing actual friendships on the site. LifeColorsCity is designed to be a social network – a community of people. As people learn more about their color personalities, it can be enjoyable to communicate with like‐minded people, to exchange experiences and perspectives on dating and life in general. Violets may want to learn more about great causes from other Violets; Blues may want to seek advice or share experiences with other Blues. Sharing ideas or mutual interests is a great way to connect with people. Make the most of your time on this site by choosing to “friend” people. Let them know why you’re interested in being friends and engage in a dialogue. You never know where friendships could lead.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
When someone sends me a message, where does it go and how do I respond?
When a member sends you a message, it goes directly into your personal on-site message Inbox. We send a notification to your email address letting you know that you’ve received a message. To read the message, just Sign In and go to your Inbox. In the member’s message, write your own note and make the connection. Your message will go directly into that member’s on-site Inbox. We will let that member know your message is waiting by sending a notification to their email address. All communications with other members stay on-site. You never have to give out any personal information until you are completely ready.
pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
What do I do if I see an underage member?
LifeColorsCity is exclusively for users 18 years of age and over. We are committed to providing a safe dating environment. If you are aware of an under-aged user, you can help us by clicking on “Contact Us.” This will alert our administrators who will then address the issue according to our rules and policies. Thank you for helping us keep LifeColorsCity a safe and user-friendly site. - Load More