
@tomsmo Active 10 years, 8 months ago
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  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    What is the age range of the members on Love Colors Dating?

    Love Colors Dating welcomes members 18 years and older.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Is your online dating gay-friendly?

    Yes. Love Colors Dating works for everyone.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Do animals have auras?

    Animals have either a silver-blue aura – which means the animal believes he or she is an animal; or a golden-yellow aura – which means the animal believes he or she is a person. Remember, there are no good or bad, better than or worse than aura colors. The life colors reflect a desire for a certain experience on the planet this time. If your pet chose a silver-blue aura in this lifetime, it means he or she wanted to know what it felt like to be an animal. Also, many animals are far more in touch with their essence and their connection to Source than most humans. Most animals are happy with life, content to be what they are, and not as emotionally tortured or troubled as humans. So by no means, do we need to judge the animals’ aura colors or their chosen experience in this life.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Are there black auras?

    Pam has never seen a black aura. In her experience, black is the absence of color. But she believes other people when they tell her they see black in an aura. She knows we each have different and personal experiences.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Is there any scientific information on auras?

    There are many sites on the science of auras. Here are some sites you can explore. LoveColors has not confirmed the validity of the information on these sites and is not responsible for the information contained therein. They are independent and separate sites and in no way related to Use your own discretion and come to your own conclusions.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Do the aura Kirlian cameras take pictures of the “life colors”?

    The cameras usually measure something entirely different than people’s life colors. What the Kirlian cameras measure is your CURRENT emotional energy – not necessarily your life colors. Your emotional energy can and does change frequently, which is why the colors around you can change if you return days later to have your photo taken again. (This is what has been explained to us by people who own the cameras.)Sometimes the cameras do pick up a person’s life colors and other times they pick up different colors. The cameras usually pick up the person’s emotional state AT THAT TIME – not necessarily the life colors that are around them all the time. The life colors reveal such things as your life purpose, relationship styles, career strengths, potential health challenges and how you perceive and handle money.For anyone who doesn’t know the difference, it can be confusing to see orange in the photo, then try to learn about Oranges on Typically the Orange life color descriptions will not fit that person’s personality – because he or she is NOT an Orange life color. The person just had a lot of high energy radiating off his or her hands that day – which the camera will show as orange. Again, the cameras measure the person’s emotional energy that day, not necessarily the life colors he or she came to the planet with.When you get your photo taken by an aura camera, ask the camera operator to explain their interpretation of those particular colors. It is a different system – but just as valid.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    My friends see auras, but they see different colors than LifeColorsCity describes.

    Many people see and sense the same aura colors that Pam does, and they interpret the meanings of those colors in the same way. However, there are also people who see and experience the auras 
differently. Some healers sense a different frequency – for example, 
they see holes or rips in the aura. Pam hasn’t seen those in the aura, 
but she knows that others do. Some people see the “emotional” qualities in the
 aura – the colors that change with the person’s feelings. Pam sees those changing colors in the outer bands of the aura.Most Kirlian cameras
 measure the emotional frequencies around a person rather than the 
”life colors” that Pam sees. We may each have a different experience of the aura, just like we
 often taste foods differently than one another, or have a different
 experience and understanding of spirituality. We each have different 
experiences and interpret life differently – for example how we see politics, nature, animals, etc. Just because we see the world 
differently, it doesn’t mean that one person is wrong and another right. 
They are just different experiences and interpretations. If you, or someone you know, sees or senses the aura differently than 
what Pam has described here – always trust your own experience of the aura. That is what is right for you! You are each just having different 
experiences. Every person’s experience is valid.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    What if I am attracted to someone who has colors that are not compatible with mine?

    The information we provide is meant to serve as a guide, not as an absolute. Any two people with enough love and commitment can create a long-lasting, harmonious relationship. The information was designed to help you find, understand, and then create a great relationship. There are certain Life Colors that are naturally more compatible with one another, so less work may be required to maintain that partnership. There are also some colors with such opposing personalities that serious work and attention will most likely be needed to build a life together.We encourage you to use the information in the videos and written material to help you understand and appreciate each other’s personality, priorities, and desires. This information can help you create a fulfilling relationship with any of the life colors.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    What is “in power” and “out of power”?

    When a person with a certain color is described as being “in power” – it means that person is living the positive qualities and behaviors of that life color. The person is living at his or her full strength and potential, and in alignment with his or her life purpose. Conversely, being “out of power” means the person is living the negative qualities and behaviors of that color. The person is not living at his or her full potential and is living out of alignment with his or her life purpose.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    I feel I have different colors than LifeColorsCity gave me.

    Please return to the Colors Questionnaire and look at your answers again. Make sure you answered the questions thoroughly and honestly. Do your answers reflect the real you – who you believe you truly are deep inside? Or were your answers based on who you think you should be, or who you’ve been trained or raised to be?If the descriptions somewhat describe you, but they don’t fit you completely, it may be that one aspect of you (one of your colors) is suppressing or affecting another part of you (your other color.) Consider changing your answers in the questionnaire to reflect the true you to see if the results of your colors change.Watch the videos on each color and read the descriptions again to see if you resonate with any of the colors. Ultimately trust your own inner feelings and intuition about your real life colors – even if your test results show differently. Be completely honest with yourself so you can discover your real colors. It may take some time and dating experience with other people before you realize you have different answers to the questionnaire, which then may reveal your actual colors.Do the best you can with the colors you believe you are. See who your matches are with those colors. You can always change your answers later if you learn or realize something different about yourself.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Why is it important to know my aura “life colors”?

    There are many valuable clues about a person hidden in their aura. The various aura life colors reveal a person’s life purpose; goals and priorities; relationship compatibility; most fulfilling careers and occupations; attitudes toward money, family, and sex; potential health challenges, and more. Knowing your aura life colors and those of the people around you can help you better understand yourself and give you permission to be who you are, as well as understanding and allowing others to be who they really are. There are no good or bad, ‘better than’ or ‘worse than’ colors – each color simply reflects a desire for a certain experience in this lifetime. Understanding that we are all different, that we each have a unique but valuable life purpose, can help promote peace, harmony, and acceptance on our planet.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    What are “life colors”?

    There are numerous colored bands in a person’s aura; each color reveals a different quality or personality trait. Some people may have five different bands of colors in their aura; others may have ten or more bands. The one or two bands closest to the body are the “life colors.” These are the important bands that reveal a person’s life purpose, their personality, and more. The life colors typically do not change throughout a person’s lifetime. The outer bands in the aura change constantly, depending on what is happening in a person’s life at different times.The significance of the life colors is that they reveal what you are experiencing in this lifetime; the overall theme and purpose you are choosing. The life colors don’t “rule” you or dictate how you must be – they simply reflect the choices you are making. You have free will. You can change your aura colors any time you want. In Pamala’s experience however, most people don’t change their life colors – their overall life purpose and theme for this lifetime. They may add a new aura color and a new direction or develop a new skill and personality trait, but their inner life purpose usually remains the same. For example, the overall plan and theme you choose in this lifetime may be to help others, or to save the planet, or to express yourself through creativity as an artist, writer, or musician, etc. You may choose different ways to fulfill your goal, but the main underlying theme will still be the same.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    If I cancel my membership, are my member privileges immediately cancelled?

    No. Your member privileges will continue until the end of your membership term. Once your membership term ends, you will lose full member benefits.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    If I buy a membership and cancel before the end of the membership term, will I be refunded for the time that is left?

    No. If you cancel your membership before your term is scheduled to expire, you will not receive a refund. You will, however, continue to have membership benefits until the end of your term.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    If I cancel now, will I be charged again?

    No. If for any reason you decide to cancel your membership, all future automatic payments will be canceled. Please be very sure that you are ready to end your membership when you cancel because cancellation is non-refundable. Your membership privileges will continue until the end of your term.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Can I cancel my membership anytime I want?
    Yes, you may cancel your membership anytime and for any reason. Simply click on your Profile, then Settings.  Next to the word General, click on “Delete Account.”

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Are membership fees refundable?

    All purchases are final. We do not issue refunds. If you believe you have a circumstance that warrants a refund, please contact us. Our goal is for every member of LifeColorsCity to be happy with their experience on this site.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Will my membership automatically renew?

    Yes. Your membership will automatically renew at the end of the time period you have subscribed, unless you uncheck the “Auto renew” box.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    Is your payment system safe and secure?
    Yes. Payments are processed fully encrypted by PayPal. We work with PayPal to ensure your safety and privacy. We use 256-bit encryption technology which is the strongest security standard available today. Your information is kept safe and secure.

  • pamoslie wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    How do I update or change my credit/debit card?
    Since payments are processed by PayPal, you must login to your PayPal account and add/change the credit card information there.

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