The following briefly describes the personalities and the dreams of the different aura color personalities. There are also tips on what they can do to accomplish their dreams.


Reds are very physical and love expressing themselves through their sensuality and their physical bodies. They live their lives in the here-and-now with zest, strength, courage, and self-confidence. Their dreams usually involve experiencing everything the physical world has to offer. They want to enjoy life as physical beings.

Reds prefer to take physical action to create their dreams. Reds have the optimistic outlook that every problem has a solution. They will stick with the problem, trying every possible method to solve it. Reds usually find an option that works. They stubbornly persist even after everyone else has concluded that the situation is hopeless. They also have the physical strength and stamina to stick with something, enduring beyond everyone else’s point of exhaustion. They can inspire others through their sheer optimism and willingness to continue.


Oranges are physical thrill-seekers and daredevils. They love the challenge and excitement of physical danger. Their dreams usually involve the adrenaline rush of reaching the top of the mountain, carrying off a dangerous stunt, winning a race, getting through the fire unscathed, and surviving. They love to challenge their environment and go beyond accepted physical limits. Oranges love to put their lives on the line to feel alive and to feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

To accomplish their dreams, Oranges can be incredibly resourceful, with amazing abilities to mentally become their opponents, to calculate every possible maneuver, and to boldly take action. They awe others with their courage and daring. They are bold enough to go after physical challenges and live their dreams — even in the face of potential death.


Magentas are usually innovative, outrageous and creative. Often artists and inventors, they love to figure out new bizarre ways of doing things. Their dreams usually involve creating unique and outlandish projects and being able to support themselves with their unusual art. They like taking physical substance and stretching it into new forms that go beyond what people consider normal – controversial objects that are arty, trendy and even shocking.

To reach their dreams they must have the willingness and courage to set their own styles, to believe in themselves and their ideas even if people criticize or mock them. Magentas just need to learn to accept and appreciate themselves and allow others to be themselves, to stay happy and look at life with a sense of humor. These unique personalities tendency to be strong willed and determined to live life exactly the way they want to also helps them reach their dreams.


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