Pamala Oslie sees auras and has discovered the different aura colors reveal specific personality types. She can help people learn how to identify their own aura colors, and then understand everything about themselves – who will be their most compatible match, their best career direction, how to handle money, raise kids, potential health problems, and much more.
This Month’s Special Feature
- Pamala Oslie Bio (PDF)
- Past Media Appearances (DOC)
- Interview Questions (DOC)
- Pamala Oslie (Image)
- Media One Sheet
- Controversies
- Media Testimonials
- GMA: Auras Gain Recognition
For more videos check out the Youtube Channel.
Published Books
What People Are Saying…
“I’m amazed at Pamala’s accuracy and insightfulness. The information she has on the aura colors can profoundly impact people – and I’ve seen it happen.”
Anthony Edwards, Golden Globe Award-winning actor
“Relationships are like movies – once you have the story, it’s all in the casting. If you want your story to be a happy one, get your own act together first, and then find the right costar. Love Colors is the place to start.”
Jeff Arch, Academy Award-nominated screenwriter of Sleepless in Seattle.
“I sincerely recommend this book (Life Colors) to anyone interested in the meaning and power of our aura colors and how that knowledge might apply to your life, love, and your real work out in the world.”
Kenny Loggins, Grammy-award winner, singer & songwriter
“You hit a home run! I’m still getting emails about you!”
George Noory – Coast to Coast AM
“Pamala Oslie is at the forefront of a valuable and innovative approach to understanding people and their different personality types. Her unique information is incredibly insightful and accurate. Pamala is very professional in her presentation and in dealing with people, and was rated one of the top speakers at the International Forum on New Science.”
Robert L. Siblerud, Executive Vice President International Association of New Science
“My first encounter with Pam Oslie was several years ago when she came in to the Lifetime Networks NYC office for a meeting. The room was filled with staff members eager to meet her and learn more about Aura Colors. She completely blew us away! We were all astounded at the accuracy of her insightful readings of each of us. And now, over four years later, we still talk about that day. We were delighted to feature Pam as one of our experts in our 2011 Year of You campaign on the Lifetime TV website, Her dynamic personality and compelling abilities thoroughly impressed our audience and helped make the initiative a success.”
Eve Lavendier, Producer, Digital Media, Lifetime Networks
“Pamala Oslie is an extremely sensitive visionary. Her understanding and knowledge of personality types is moving and spiritual, yet down to earth. I use this book (Life Colors) with couples and individuals. It serves as an avenue to bring understanding and acceptance of themselves and others. Pamala’s insights are remarkable for their power to bring us toward our own self-discovery and growth.”
Betty Frain, MFT, PH.D, co-author of Becoming a Wise Parent for Your Grown Child
“I am former radio host of Spiritual Hollywood and met Pam when I had her on as a guest. Pam later had me on as her KZSB radio show as her guest. I was so impressed with Pam’s accuracy for the people who called in, and for ME as we chatted on the air. Pam is one of the true “Intuitives” of our day and anyone who may be stuck, or longing for something more without knowing what that something more happens to be, Pam can unstick you and point you to your own north star in no time flat. I have been in the Entertainment Industry for nearly 30 years, and take my word for it…I believe that their is room for Pam to have her own TV show where we could all watch the light’s come on in her guests eyes collectively and all at the same time. Brava Pam…keep up the great work.”
Kate Romero-Stellar, President-CEO Stellar Angel Talent, Vice President of Stellar Communications (The Company that launched THE SECRET), and Owner of The Mirakal Group, LLC
“This was the best response I have seen generated in my years of promoting in this area. Pam’s appearance on A.M. Northwest (TV) was unprecedented. Following the broadcast, she was surrounded by the audience for another hour before being able to leave the station.”
Susan D. Buckley, President. The Voice of Enthusiasm, Inc., Portland, OR
“When Pam told me I had a blue-yellow aura, she told me so much about myself that I was completely astounded, and knew that she was truly gifted. I wanted to learn more about her system, so I bought her book Life Colors, and learned more about the various aura colors and their characteristics. I knew this would help me recognize my ideal partner when he showed up. I started to recognize yellow/violet men, which were my most compatible aura colors. I finally met my yellow/violet man, Michael, and we are now happily married. We have been comfortable from the very beginning, it’s been easy, like an old married couple, and we just keep getting better. Our relationship is all I ever dreamed a relationship could be, and exactly the way Pam had described it would be.”
Allison Stillman – Ojai, California
“In 1994 I started to work with Pamala Oslie and learned more about what she knows about aura colors. Suddenly, things in my life started making sense. All of the personality traits associated with my colors made sense to me, they really resonated with how I felt and why I did things. I am constantly learning more about aura colors and about myself from Pamala. I use this knowledge every day. When meeting new people and clients I can usually sense what their aura colors are and I use that knowledge to speak their language. I met my man – the one with the compatible aura colors – and we were married June 2006. It has been fun and exciting with never a dull moment.”
Joan Bueling Herring – Houston, Texas
“Pam is an amazing guest who made our phones ring non-stop (even after she was long gone). I was blown away on how many men wanted to talk to her. She stopped every caller in their tracks with her dead-on readings.”
Terry Jaymes ~ Lex and Terry Radio Network
“I have interviewed over 20,000 people in my radio career and it’s not very often that someone comes along and blows me away with their ability. Pamala is definitely the exception to the rule. She was 100% spot on with EVERYTHING she said about every member of our morning team. In addition every caller who spoke with Pamala and had a reading was equally as impressed.
It doesn’t matter if you believe in this or not, after a few minutes with Pamala you will believe in Pamala! She is amazing!”
“BullDog” The Rude Awakening Show
“I have consulted with Pamala Oslie many times over the past several years and have consistently been amazed by her accuracy and insightfulness! She is able to go right to the source of an issue and offer you clear and helpful guidance as to how to shift and transform it. The interactions I’ve had with Pamala have greatly assisted my personal growth and healing process. As I’ve said to my friends, a consultation with Pamala is like several therapy sessions wrapped into one!”
Sabrina Geshay
“A group of us met last Thursday evening in a friends house, and I printed out copies of the Aura Color questionnaire from your website. They had done the Enneagram the week before and were thoroughly sick of questionnaires! Some of them grumbled through, but my God – when they read the sections on their color combinations in the book, I wish you could have been there to see it. The whole quality of the night and the communion deepened – they were blown away. They became so animated, but not in an excited or hysterical way. It was different, more like a display of vitality. I can’t explain it but you would have loved it. Nobody wanted to go home that night! Some of them are practitioners of things like kineseology, yoga teachers, meditators etc, but they were really not expecting the impact of Life Colors. I was delighted of course! Everything that I love in my life now came since I found you Pam. One woman was so moved when the section on Blue/Violet put light on what she’s experiencing, that she started asking me what you were like and what the colors did for me. I told her that I was completely lost until I heard your show, that I felt perpendicular to the world I was floating around in – and that you are the apex of my life story.”
“I am an avid fan of Pamala and I admire the wisdom and insight she brings to her work through Aura Colors. It has been my pleasure to interview Pamala about her work on my radio show and she is always an interesting and very personable guest. My listeners love her. ?Pamala is a treasure with a beautiful heart.”
Alison Baughman
“I have had a number of readings from Pam Oslie. My wife has as well and we have had a few “joint” readings on issues that concerned both of us together. Quite simply, she has a remarkable gift. Some of the detailed information turned out to be so accurate that it gave me goose bumps! If you feel stuck or unclear as to “what’s next” she can likely help you.”
Geoffrey Levens, L.Ac.
“I have spent years in psychology, I studied Pastoral Counseling at the Master’s level, and have seen all kinds of personality tests plus checked out personality tests on dating sites and I have never seen anything as accurate as your color test in predicting personality!! It is better than the Myers-Briggs test and any other that I have seen in psychological testing. Is there a website where I can get a hold of a copy of these questions because if I go back into practice, I would like to administer this to all my clients?”
Joseph Moyer
“Pamala is a gifted professional who magically receives insights and wisdom, which she shares with individuals from around the world. I have sought her counsel over the past several years and her advice has been incredibly accurate. I highly recommend her work and books to anyone seeking to better understand themselves and their patterns, both personally and professionally.”
Pamela Mokler
“From the time I first consulted Pamala, my life has never been the same. While she helped me through a deeply stressful time after the loss of my best friend, she amazingly put me on a career path I had only dreamed of. I created a non-profit organization that serves people all over the country and now internationally. She returned to me a belief in myself that I had released long before and has continued to assist me during those uncertain times when I need to refocus. Most of all, she gave me insight into my marriage that has been useful to both my husband and I as we navigate these complicated times for relationships. I am truly a happier person because of the assistance of Pamala. Her insight is remarkable and her wisdom is priceless. I have recommended her to many, many people over the years and I always will.”
Kate Carter, Life Chronicles
“I’ve worked with Pam on different projects over the years and have always been very impressed with the how effective and helpful her knowledge and skills are in helping to get the job done. Her credibility is unquestionable, and her abilities and insight has always proved invaluable.”
Duncan Westley
“Pamela is a great teacher and is a truly gifted psychic. I took several classes that Pamela taught on developing intuition and psychic ability. I was amazed by the insights I had by using the tools she taught in just one class!”
Julie Seidell
“I love the questionnaires – they help me discover myself on a deeper level. I LOVE the video explanations on this site – they’ve reconnected me to my true violet self and purpose… I love this site.”
“I wanted you to know that Jeff, who I met on LoveColors, and I are in daily contact with each other via email and phone and we really like each other. We are both amazed by how much we have in common on multiple levels and he feels like a kindred spirit. He follows a daily spiritual practice, is very loving and caring, seems very balanced and has taken the leap of faith to book a flight for the end of this month to meet me. We will know soon if there is good chemistry between us but regardless we have agreed that we are going to stay in each other’s lives. I am really grateful to know him. I have learned so much from him already and he inspires me on many levels. I hope this helps others to know what a great site you have produced!”
My best, Jenny
“Pam’s insight and ability to read my aura (violet, yellow, blue) and that of my future soul mate has been a great help to me as I navigate the dating world. Knowing my “love colors” gives me a deeper knowledge of not only myself but the person who matches me and it allows me to be more discerning in my choices. I now have a much more positive and relaxed outlook on attracting the man I am meant to be with. My new clarity makes me feel as if he’s standing right beside me, just waiting for me to turn around and notice him.”
Sara (winner of the free reading with Pam)
“I do not know if it is appropriate, but I would like to share my intense, genuine, gratefulness to Pamala for her insight, her vision, her honesty. It was purity, and that is one of the most important things in my life, purity.? Thank you very much.”
“I took the test, and watched all my videos and was blown away by how accurate each video was. There were things I hadn’t thought about in past relationships that really would have helped if I had shared these points of views with my partners. I was also able to see some of the things I need to work on in my future relationships. I can see how this sort of a matching system, or knowledge base, could help in any relationship – friendship, romantic and especially in workplace. We are all so very unique yet there are many things that “types” do the same, and I think it would help us understand people so much better.”
Starfish, Santa Barbara
“I was at a turning point in my life and decided to take a risk to invest in a counseling session with Pam .Wow! Not only did she confirm certain issues in my life that I have, but she was able to affirm that my feelings in these situations were valid. I thank the Creator for angels like Pam that help us to see our path of true potential if we choose to take it. Thank you Pam again and may God bless you.”
“I signed up for your amazing site and filled out your questionnaire. I am completely blown away by the questions and accuracy of the videos and results. I am a Yellow/Violet and I feel like someone reached into my soul and understood who I was for the first time ever. I’ve never felt so ‘gotten’in all my life!”
“As both a therapist specializing in working with children and families and as a parent, utilizing Pamala Oslie’s aura colors is an amazing tool. It can help parents gain greater insight and sensitivity towards their child. Additionally, a parent can learn how to understand their child’s emotional needs by becoming familiar with their child’s life (aura) colors. I believe that by understanding the aura colors of each family member can help create more compassion for each other and greater harmony.”
Michelle Boyd Villegas, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
“We started out as best friends, but to be honest, we’d always harboured a secret attraction for one another. One day we sat down with Pam and had our colors done it was obvious that we were complimentary. Yellow and Violet. A terrific friendship grew into a wonderful romance. Because we were armed with knowledge from Pam about how yellow and violet reacted when they were “out of power”, we were well prepared for the initial bumps all new couples experience. Now it’s all smooth sailing. Thank you Pam!”
Marienne & Linda
Additional Information
Pam Oslie “Infinite You” on the Mantz & Mitchell Radio Show 2.22.14
Woman’s World Magazine (April 16, 2012)
Mystical Cruise with Robert Sharpe
Sound Health Options with Sharry Edwards & Richard Olson (starts at 42 minutes)