Do the aura Kirlian cameras take pictures of the “life colors”?

The cameras usually measure something entirely different than people’s life colors. What the Kirlian cameras measure is your CURRENT emotional energy – not necessarily your life colors. Your emotional energy can and does change frequently, which is why the colors around you can change if you return days later to have your photo taken again. (This is what has been explained to us by people who own the cameras.)

Sometimes the cameras do pick up a person’s life colors and other times they pick up different colors. The cameras usually pick up the person’s emotional state AT THAT TIME – not necessarily the life colors that are around them all the time. The life colors reveal such things as your life purpose, relationship styles, career strengths, potential health challenges and how you perceive and handle money.

For anyone who doesn’t know the difference, it can be confusing to see orange in the photo, then try to learn about Oranges on Typically the Orange life color descriptions will not fit that person’s personality – because he or she is NOT an Orange life color. The person just had a lot of high energy radiating off his or her hands that day – which the camera will show as orange. Again, the cameras measure the person’s emotional energy that day, not necessarily the life colors he or she came to the planet with.

When you get your photo taken by an aura camera, ask the camera operator to explain their interpretation of those particular colors. It is a different system – but just as valid.


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