The Aura Color Personalities & How They Can Accomplish Their Dreams: For Blue Aura Color Personalities

The following briefly describes the personalities and the dreams of the different aura color personalities. There are also tips on what they can do to accomplish their dreams.

Blues are some of the most loving, nurturing, and supportive personalities in the world. They live from their hearts and emotions. Blues are traditionally teachers, counselors, and nurses —the loving nurturers and caretakers on the planet. Blues are constantly helping others. They want to make sure everyone feels loved and accepted.

Their dreams usually involve love, relationships, and spirituality. Blues want to be in loving, committed relationships. Prayer, meditation, giving, and loving others are the most common ways Blues reach their goals. They need to learn how to receive though. Blues are good givers but not always good at receiving. They can have low self-esteem and doubt they are lovable. So Blues need to learn that they are lovable so they can receive the love they so deeply desire. And they need to learn to listen to their intuition to find their best path. When Blues are centered, they pray, ask a higher power or their inner selves for answers. They must learn to listen and trust the answers they receive, however. When Blues have questions, whether about relationships, work or other issues they only need to become quiet and centered, ask themselves the questions, and hear the solution inside. Then they need to follow through on the guidance they hear.


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