Why is it important to know my aura “life colors”? There are many valuable clues about a person hidden in their aura. The various aura life colors reveal a person’s life purpose; goals and priorities; relationship compatibility; most fulfilling careers and occupations; attitudes toward money, family, and sex; potential health challenges, and more. Knowing your […]

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My friends see auras, but they see different colors than LifeColorsCity describes. Many people see and sense the same aura colors that Pam does, and they interpret the meanings of those colors in the same way. However, there are also people who see and experience the auras 
differently. Some healers sense a different frequency – […]

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Do the aura Kirlian cameras take pictures of the “life colors”? The cameras usually measure something entirely different than people’s life colors. What the Kirlian cameras measure is your CURRENT emotional energy – not necessarily your life colors. Your emotional energy can and does change frequently, which is why the colors around you can change […]

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