
@creativemind755 Active 4 days, 13 hours ago
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    Things I am looking for in a person are:

    U r the female “YANG” 2 MY MALE “yin”!

    EVERYTHING that I DESIRE, u NATURALLY DO, & WANT 2 do, of your OWN ACCORD, & vice versa! Your GREATEST JOY in life is 2 GIVE ALL of the things that I DESIRE 2 RECEIVE!

    We fit 2gether like 2 PERFECT “puzzle pieces”! Neither 1 of us has 2 change, or try 2 “squeeze” a “square peg” in2 a “round hole”! Our “pieces” EASILY & EFFORTLESSLY “snap in place”, forming the perfect “fit”, as U & I r “perfect” 4 EACH OTHER, in EVERY WAY IMAGINABLE! 🙂

    U r the “cereal” 2 MY “milk”, the “pancakes” 2 MY “syrup”, the “burger” 2 MY “fries”! 🙂

    U completely “get” & FEEL my anomalous soul, even from what I’m NOT writing here.

    U r perfectly fine with being the SOLE BREADWINNER, & the practical 1 in our relationship, & u actually PREFER it this way, as your NATURAL ENERGY is well suited 4 this “role”, & u RELISH all that I bring 2 u OTHERWISE, as it all “fills YOUR ‘cup’ ” PERFECTLY!

    I don’t work, in the traditional sense, as “regular” jobs don’t work 4 me, & I’ve discovered that my crystal aura soul, as well as my master number 11 spiritual illuminator soul, r NOT MEANT 4 the regular “9-to-5” life. My spirit is on an “inner” journey, and my highly-sensitive nature NEEDS u 2 be my financial “rock”, so that I can fully “blossom”, as my spirit is stifled when I focus on the material world. I feel that once U & I “lockdown” our SOUL BOND, that my NATURAL talents & “gifts” will flourish even MORE, & will be GUIDED 2 where they belong in this earthly incarnation, but there is NO PRESSURE, as u r FINE with me AS IS, whether I ever make a cent or not, as u can EASILY take care of BOTH of us, as u r ALREADY in your “niche”, making good money)!

    U will, there-4, support me financially COMPLETELY & EFFORTLESSLY with JOY!

    I want a SYNERGISTIC RELATIONSHIP, where I can count on u 2 take care of all of my material needs, & I will take care of all of your emotional needs, & it is completely dependable & MUTUALLY EMPOWERING 4 BOTH OF US!!!

    U’re ready 2 go as deep, & be as close as humanly possible, merging MIND, BODY & SOUL, in a deep, soulmate, twin flame BOND.

    Your intuition IMMEDIATELY tells u that I’M “him” 4 u!

    Your heart KNOWS that u r my “1”!

    Welcome home, baby! 🙂

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