Please join Pam today from 10:00 – 11:00 AM PT on “Spiritual Insight Radio” with host Tiffany White.
The Dot – You are More Amazing Than You Know – Part 4 You are far grander than you realize. Being an infinite being doesn’t just mean you will have greater freedom and enhanced abilities once you escape your physical body at the end of your life. You are an unlimited being now, someone with […]
The Dot – You are More Amazing Than You Know – Part 3 One day, as the first dot leaps up off the paper, he pauses for a moment and looks down. He realizes he’s not just jumping up and down – he is up and down. He has height! He has height and depth […]
Earthquakes galore. Some ways we can shift the energy: Neurobiologists believe that the brain uses electrical signals to communicate and send information between brain cells. Thoughts and feelings create electrical impulses and currents, which flow beyond your brain to be experienced in the rest of your body. You can feel this energy particularly well when […]
The Dot – You are More Amazing Than You Know – Part 2 The other two-dimensional beings ignore him and go about their business of moving back and forth, side to side, and around in circles. Although the excited dot tells them again and again how they are not limited to a simple existence on […]
Please join me today for my radio shows! I will be a guest on “Spirit Salad” with host Tamara Dorris. We will be discussing my newest book Infinite You. this evening, I will be a guest on “Outlaw Dave” from 5:15 – 5:45 PM PT. I hope you enjoy the shows!
The beginning of a blog series: The Dot – You are More Amazing Than You Know. Part 1: Imagine for a moment that you are a one-dimensional being living in a one-dimensional world. This means you are just a point on a line. You can only move back and forth on a straight line, and […]
“Find Happiness Now: 50 Shortcuts for Bringing More Love, Balance and Joy Into Your Life” by Jonathan Robinson will be the guest on my show, Monday, March 31, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. You can join us on or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. Do you know the #1 Secret that’s Been Proven to […]
John Adago “East Meets West” is Pam’s special guest on her show, Monday, March 17, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. Listen live on or 1290 AM Talk Radio in Santa Barbara. Many of us go through our days with a sense of unease, a sense of missing something fundamentally important. We feel disconnected from […]
On Monday’s radio show, March 10, 5:00 pm PT, I will be taking calls for the first half of the show, and then discussing some of the concepts in my new book Infinite You: A Journey to Your Greater Self & Beyond. If you would like a free psychic reading, you can call the show […]